William Godwin's Diary

Mentions of Sleep at by Year

Hover over a bar to see number of mentions/year.

Instances of Sleep at are recorded in the diary a total of 36 times.

Other subdivisions of Meetings include: Godwin calls on X, Godwin meets X, Godwin sees X, Godwin and X/Y/Z call (on someone), X calls (on Godwin), X/Y/Z call (on Godwin), Après dinner, Après dinner (at Godwin's), Au soir, Sleep at, Sleeps (at Godwin's), Others sleep elsewhere, Do with X, Invited, Pour prendre congé, Pour prendre congé (at Godwin's), Sit to, Seek, Send for, Meeting intended, X present, or Other.

Frequencies by year are available for the following categories: People, Events, Reading, Writing, Meals, and Meetings