William Godwin's Diary


The motion that ‘the care of his Majesty’s Royal Person, during the period of his Majesty’s illness, should be committed to the Queen’ and a debate on 'the powers that were necessary to allow her Majesty to undertake that trust, namely that her majesty should have the care of removing from, and of appointing such persons as she should think proper in his Majesty’s household, and to manage all other matters and things relating to his Majesty’s person and the officers of his household…’ Also, a council be appointed ‘to advice and assist her Majesty, and to have power, from time to time, to examine the physicians upon oath, and other things about his Majesty’s person, touching the state of his Majesty’s health, and other matters relating thereto’.

See The Times, 20 January 1789. See also Godwin's entry for 20 November 1788.