11 April 1788 | Doctor Priestley in London.e |
15 April 1788 | Doctor Horsley gazettede |
15 April 1788 | Treaty with Hollande |
17 April 1788 | King of France to his parliamente |
18 April 1788 | Bastard on Admirals 133 to 150e |
26 April 1788 | Priestley dined at T.
H.'se |
28 April 1788 | Hear Sir Gilbert Elliote |
7 May 1788 | Hear Sir G. Elliote |
8 May 1788 | Dinner at Cadel's on Gibbon's birth day & day of
publication, Sheffield,
Fullarton, Reynolds,
Gillies, Kippise |
8 May 1788 |
Cour Plénièree |
9 May 1788 | Nunducomar. 55 to 73e |
9 May 1788 | Priestley from Londone |
3 June 1788 | Earl Mansfield resignse |
7 June 1788 | Sir Lloyd Kenyon a peere |
7 June 1788 | R. P. Arden master of the rollse |
9 June 1788 | Lord Kenyon lord chief justice of the king's
benche |
28 June 1788 | Sir A. Macdonald attorney general; sir J. Scott, solicitore |
30 June 1788 | Dispute between Pitt & Thurlow, respecting
Arden's appointment to the rolls, terminated
in favour of the former.e |
5 July 1788 | E. Bearcroft chief justice of Chester;
F. Burton a Welch judge, v. D. Be |
11 July 1788 | Parliament proroguede |
12 July 1788 | lord Hood
puisnee |
12 July 1788 | Earl of Chatham first lord of Admiraltye |
14 July 1788 | nomination of S. J.
Townshende |
18 July 1788 | Go to the Hustingse |
4 August 1788 | Westminter election closese |
7 November 1788 |
Le roi mourante |
18 November 1788 | Capt Greville's duele |
20 November 1788 | Parliament meets: adjourns to 4 Dece |
29 November 1788 | King removes to Kewe |
1 December 1788 | Law of Parliament
publishede |
4 December 1788 | Parliament meetse |
8 December 1788 | Go to the House of
Commonse |
10 December 1788 | Right of the P. of
W. asserted by Foxe |
11 December 1788 | do by lord
Loughboroughe |
13 December 1788 | Charles IV, King of Spaine |
15 December 1788 | Question of right deprecated by the dukes of
York & Gloucester. Thurlow ambiguouse |
16 December 1788 | Right of Parliament to appoint a
regency decided, 267 to 203. Fox censures
Thurlowe |
17 December 1788 | Oczakow takene |
16 January 1789 | Limitations on the regent voted 227 to
154e |
19 January 1789 | Power of the Queen voted, 229 to 165e |
3 February 1789 | Session of Parliament openede |
23 April 1789 | Royal Processione |
1 May 1789 | House of Commonse |
4 May 1789 |
Les Etats Générauxe |
6 May 1789 | Hackney dinnere |
26 May 1789 | Duel of colonel Lenoxe |
4 June 1789 | Prince of Wales refuses to dance with
Lenoxe |
5 June 1789 | Duke of Clarence's
establishmente |
5 June 1789 | Grenville Secretary of Statee |
8 June 1789 | Henry Addington Speakere |
17 June 1789 | National Assemblye |
23 June 1789 | Difference of Necker
& the King: he proposes to resigne |
24 June 1789 | Necker is restorede |
27 June 1789 | Revolution in Francee |
11 July 1789 | Necker is dismissede |
15 July 1789 | King of France submits to the National Assemblye |
14 September 1789 | Parian Chron.e |
24 September 1789 | Cliff, arreste |
4 November 1789 | Dine with the Revolutionists: see Price,
Kippis, Rees, Towers, Lindsey, Disney,
Belcham, Forsaith, Morgans, Listers, S. Rogers &
B. Wits. Present, earl
Stanhope, //Beaufoy, H.
Tooke & count Zenobio . see B.
Hollis, Jennings, Lofft & Robinsone |
22 December 1789 | H. Tooke is pro slaverye |
22 December 1789 | Ml Mu charged his son £2000 for 3 Lettres de Ct. Dr
Price disapproves of Mu's banke |
13 February 1790 | Dine with the Anti-tests: Fox, Beaufoy, Hoghton, Sawbridge Adair, Watson,
Heywood, B. Hollis, Shore, Geddes, Vaughan, Fell, Stone,
Wodhul, Listerse |
2 March 1790 | Test acte |
8 March 1790 | House of Commons: Tobacco
acte |
8 March 1790 | Capt. Williams's Petition,
Quebece |
5 May 1790 | Message on Nootka
Sounde |
11 June 1790 | Dissolutione |
19 June 1790 | Titles of nobility abolished by
the national assemblye |
14 July 1790 | French Revolutione |
24 July 1790 | Convention
between England and
Spaine |
27 July 1790 | Peace between Hungary &
Prussiae |
27 July 1790 | Netherlands sacrificed by The
alliese |
7 August 1790 | D'Orleans &
Mirabeau accused by the
Châtelet to the National
Assemblye |
14 August 1790 | Peace between
Russia &
Swedene |
26 August 1790 | Family Compact adopted by
the National Assemblye |
4 September 1790 | Necker resignse |
29 September 1790 | Question of
the assignâts determinede |
2 October 1790 | Impeachment of
Mirabeau &
d'Orleans dischargede |
20 October 1790 | Motion for the removal
of ministers rejected 403 \ 340e |
28 October 1790 | Convention with
Spaine |
4 November 1790 | Revolution Society. Price in the
chair. Motion by Tooke
against nobility: pro. Cooper,
Sharpe, Favel: con.
Watson, Towers, Perry, Price—Garrowe |
25 November 1790 | Parliament meetse |
13 February 1791 | P. of W. negotiated yesterday a loan of £300,000 in Holland, Portland
& Fitzw. Securitiese |
17 February 1791 | Burke swears himself 60, to disqualify for
election committeese |
22 February 1791 | Paine's pamphlet appearse |
18 April 1791 | Slave tradee |
1 May 1791 | Hear dr Priestley's funeral sermon for dr Pricee |
3 May 1791 | Revolution of Polande |
6 May 1791 | Misunderstanding of Fox & Burke. House of
Commonse |
14 May 1791 | Scott, a believer in spiritual intercourses lends
Paine £40, to aid the publication of his pamphlet, suspended for want of money. (Lewis.) H. Tooke
states to the Const. Soc.Paine's offer of £300. (B. Hollis.)e |
8 June 1791 | Mr Dundas, Secretary of
Statee |
10 June 1791 | Parliament proroguede |
21 June 1791 | Flight of the king of Francee |
14 July 1791 | Crown & Anchor: Rous & Merry: B. Hollis, Shore,
Barbauld, Disney, Jennings, Rees, Morgan,
Lindsey, Lewise |
15 July 1791 | K. of France acquitted: 970 to 8e |
17 July 1791 | Tumults at
Parise |
5 September 1791 | Barth. Faire |
19 October 1791 | Priestley offendede |
4 November 1791 | Dine at the London Tavern, With Paine, Pethion,
Horne Tooke, Priestley, Kippis, Rees, B. Hollis,
Listers, Morganse |
31 January 1792 | Parliament meetse |
2 April 1792 | Slave trade: leave the chair 234 to
87—gradually 193 to 125—230 to 85e |
4 April 1792 | Lottery
debatee |
25 April 1792 | Hear the resumed debate on the abolition of the
slave tradee |
21 May 1792 | Libel Bill, second reading
in the lords 57 to 32e |
21 May 1792 | Proclamation against seditious
writingse |
10 August 1792 | King of France suspendede |
26 November 1792 | [Debating Society
silenced]e |
15 January 1793 | Louis guilty, 693 to 26: Appeal 280 to
424e |
17 January 1793 | Appeal, 283 Death, 366 to 321e |
19 January 1793 | Delay 310 to 380e |
21 January 1793 | Execution of Louise |
24 January 1793 | Chauvelin directed to withdrawe |
28 January 1793 | Loughborough, chancellore |
28 January 1793 | Erskine & Pigot
dismissede |
1 February 1793 | War decreede |
25 May 1793 | Prosecution of P. J. debated this
weeke |
20 August 1793 | Parade of the Terracee |
9 October 1793 | Lyons takene |
16 October 1793 | {Siege of Maubeuge
raisede |
16 October 1793 | Q. of France diese |
26 December 1793 | |
18 January 1794 | Medical Societye |
17 February 1794 | (Lansdown
on peace.)e |
17 February 1794 | house of lordse |
10 March 1794 | Debate on Muire |
25 March 1794 | Execution of Hebert, & 19
otherse |
30 March 1794 | Arrest of Dantone |
5 April 1794 | Execution of Dantone |
17 May 1794 | house of commons,
suspension of h. ce |
3 June 1794 | Hastings's trial, Burkee |
15 June 1794 | Foundling Hospitale |
27 June 1794 | First Report secrecye |
11 July 1794 | Prorogation: ministe |
30 December 1794 | Parliament meets.e |
4 May 1795 | Catholic bill rejected in Irelande |
20 May 1795 | Insurrection of the Jacobinse |
7 June 1795 | Luxemburgh takene |
9 June 1795 | Young Capet diese |
27 June 1795 | Prorogatione |
21 July 1795 | Quiberon reducede |
22 July 1795 | Peace with
Spaine |
29 October 1795 | Parliament meetse |
4 November 1795 | Proclamatione |
6 November 1795 | Grenville's Bille |
18 December 1795 | Treason &
Sedition Acts passede |
6 February 1796 | Award, K. v. P.,
affirmede |
10 May 1796 | House of Commons, Fox on
the war; Weld, Mac,
Perry, P Stuart,
Fenwick, Marsh; R Adair, Tierney & O
Briene |
20 May 1796 | Dissolutione |
1 June 1796 | Hustings; Tooke, col
Barry, Blake, White, Ward, F Vaughan, Richter,
&ce |
6 June 1796 | Hustings w. A A;
Cline, Knowles, Robinson,
&ce |
11 June 1796 | Hustings; Weld, Cline
& Merrye |
27 September 1796 | Parliament meetse |
6 October 1796 | King's Speeche |
14 December 1796 | House of Cs,
Austrian Subsidy; Jeffries, Tierney,
O'Brien, Perry{,} Gordon, Hay,
Moir, G Moore,
Wilson, Ritson, Fenwic & Taylor Lancastriane |
19 December 1796 | Lord Malmesbury dismissede |
31 December 1796 | Parliament
adjournse |
12 January 1797 | Burke born 12 Jan.
1730e |
14 February 1797 | Naval Defeat of Spaine |
27 February 1797 | Prohibition of Speciee |
17 April 1797 | Preliminaries signed at
Leobene |
4 September 1797 | Pichegru arrestede |
11 October 1797 | Duncan's Victorye |
17 October 1797 | Peace of Udinae |
2 November 1797 | Parliament meetse |
28 February 1798 | O'Connor apprehendede |
24 May 1798 | Irish
Ware |
31 May 1798 | Westminster Forum; Duelling;
adv. M &
B Montague |
22 June 1798 | House of Commons; Grey, Burdet,
Brogden, O'Brien,
Mackintosh, Perry, Gordon, Banks, & Dangerfielde |
29 June 1798 | Parliament proroguede |
26 July 1798 | Oliver Bond respitede |
1 August 1798 | Battle of Ebouker Baye |
20 November 1798 | Parliament
meet{s}e |
26 November 1798 | Rome entered by General Macke |
13 December 1798 | Rome recoverede |
22 January 1799 | Union debated: voted in the Irish Commons,
majority, onee |
23 January 1799 | Naples entered by the Frenche |
24 January 1799 | Rejected in do, majority, fivee |
12 July 1799 | Prorogatione |
15 August 1799 | Battle of Novie |
30 August 1799 | Dutch Fleet at
Vleiter takene |
24 September 1799 | Parliament
meetse |
25 September 1799 | Battle of Zuriche |
12 October 1799 | Parliament adjourns,
11 A Me |
9 November 1799 | Buonaparte's revolutione |
21 January 1800 | Parliament meetse |
4 March 1800 | Convent of St Michaele |
8 April 1800 | West's fire |
15 May 1800 | Hadfield, Drury Lanee |
18 June 1800 | Battle of Marengoe |
25 July 1800 | Four Courts, Lattin v.
Duigenane |
3 December 1800 | Battle of Hohenlindene |
31 December 1800 | Funeral at Old
Windsor; adv.
Warrington, Kimberley &
miss Halle |
2 February 1801 | Parliament openede |
5 February 1801 | Ministry dissovede |
9 February 1801 | Peace of Lunevillee |
21 February 1801 | King's Indisposition, 18 dayse |
17 March 1801 | Addington, Chancellor of the Excre |
1 October 1801 | Peacee |
27 March 1802 | Peace of Amiense |
29 April 1802 | Proclamation of Peace, &, w. M J & children,
illuminationse |
28 June 1802 | Parliament proroguede |
29 June 1802 | Parliament dissolvede |
8 July 1802 | Hustings, C G, w. M J; adv. Felle |
13 July 1802 | Hustings, C Ge |
29 July 1802 | Middlesex Election endse |
23 November 1802 | Parliament openede |
21 February 1803 | Execution of Despard
& sixe |
8 March 1803 | War Messagee |
16 May 1803 | Second War
Messagee |
24 May 1803 | War voted, 398 to
67e |
12 August 1803 | Parliament
proroguede |
22 November 1803 | Parliament meetse |
7 March 1804 | Duel, Camelford, d.
Sate |
10 May 1804 | Pitt, Ministere |
18 May 1804 | Mass for D'Enghien, w. M Je |
18 May 1804 | Napoleon, Emperore |
30 May 1804 | Slave Trade condemned, H. of C., 124 to 49e |
18 June 1804 | Pitt's Defence
Bill, 265 to 223e |
31 July 1804 | Prorogatione |
8 August 1804 | Middlesex
Election endse |
5 October 1804 | Spanish frigates taken off
Cadize |
14 January 1805 | Addington, President of C.e |
15 January 1805 | Parliament
meetse |
5 March 1805 | Burdet seatede |
18 March 1805 | Napoleon, King of Lombardye |
8 April 1805 | Melville censured, 217 to 216e |
25 May 1805 | Union of
Genoae |
12 June 1805 | Melville Impeachment, 195 to 272: Criminal Prosecution,
238 to 229e |
8 July 1805 | Sidmouth resignse |
12 July 1805 | Prorogatione |
24 September 1805 | Bonaparte leaves Paris
for Germanye |
20 October 1805 | Surrender of Gen. Mack 67,000
mene |
21 October 1805 | Battle of
Trafalgar)e |
13 November 1805 | French enter Viennae |
2 December 1805 | Battle of Austerlitze |
9 January 1806 | St Paul’s, Nelson’s
funerale |
21 January 1806 | Parliament meetse |
3 February 1806 | Fox Administratione |
21 February 1806 | Pitt in Statee |
10 June 1806 | Slave-trade condemnede |
20 June 1806 | Fox’s Last Appearance in
Parliamente |
23 July 1806 | Prorogatione |
10 October 1806 | Fox’s Funeral e |
14 October 1806 | Battle of Jena, or
Averstadte |
19 December 1806 | Parliament opense |
22 February 1807 | Duckworth at Constantinoplee |
25 March 1807 | Portland Administratione |
29 April 1807 | Dissolutione |
14 June 1807 | Battle of
Friedlande |
22 June 1807 | Armisticee |
22 June 1807 | Parliamente |
7 July 1807 | Defeat of Buenos Ayrese |
8 July 1807 | Peace of
Tilsit, France & Russiae |
9 July 1807 | Ditto, France
& Prussiae |
14 August 1807 | Prorogatione |
7 September 1807 | Surrender of
Copenhagene |
29 November 1807 | Royal Family of
Portugal for Brazile |
21 January 1808 | Parliament meetse |
4 July 1808 | Parliament proroguede |
20 July 1808 | Surrender of
Duponte |
21 August 1808 | Battle of Vimierae |
20 September 1808 | Covent Garden Theatre burnede |
16 January 1809 | Battle of
Corunnae |
19 January 1809 | Parliament meets.e |
27 January 1809 | Wardle’s motione |
24 February 1809 | Drury Lane Theatre burnede |
13 March 1809 | Revolution in Swedene |
18 March 1809 | Duke of York resignse |
20 April 1809 | Battle of Abensberge |
22 April 1809 | Battle of Eckmuhle |
13 May 1809 | Vienna takene |
22 May 1809 | Battle of Eslinge |
6 July 1809 | Battle of Wagrame |
12 July 1809 | Armistice of Znaime |
18 September 1809 | Covent Garden Theatre opense |
21 September 1809 | Duel, Castlereagh & Canninge |
4 October 1809 | Perceval, Treasurye |
14 October 1809 | Peace of Viennae |
6 December 1809 | Wellesley, Foreign
Secne |
23 January 1810 | Parliament meetse |
26 January 1810 | Division of Walcheren,
195 to 186e |
21 March 1810 | Requests, v. Darton, w. T Te |
30 March 1810 | Walcheren approved, 253 to 232e |
5 April 1810 | Committal
of Burdet voted, 189 to 152e |
7 April 1810 | walk to Piccadilly, w T T; adv.
Newtonse |
8 April 1810 | wlk to Piccadilly, w. M Je |
9 April 1810 | Burdet to the Towere |
20 June 1810 | Prorogatione |
20 August 1810 | Examination of sir R
P; adv. Cullen,
Rivington, Bensley,
Letterman, Bingham,
Hannam, Phipps, White & Watkinsone |
27 October 1810 | Phillips bankrupte |
1 November 1810 | Parliament meets: adjourns to 15e |
15 November 1810 | Parliament adjourns to 29e |
29 November 1810 | Parliament adjourns to Dec.
13e |
20 December 1810 | Regency by Bill, 269 to 157e |
31 December 1810 | Peerage, 226 to 210e |
31 December 1810 | Restrictions, 224 to 200e |
31 December 1810 | Patent Places & Pensions, 233 to 214e |
1 January 1811 | Houshold, 213 to 226e |
2 January 1811 | Ditto,
<Restrictions>, 214 to 217e |
17 January 1811 | Houshold, 209 to 182e |
4 February 1811 | Regent to R H S Percevale |
6 February 1811 | Regent sworn ine |
5 March 1811 | Battle of Barrosa.
Massena retreats from Santareme |
22 March 1811 | Mutiny Act passed, with a clause giving a discretionary
power to courts martiale |
26 March 1811 | D. of Gloucester Chancellor of Uni. of Ce |
5 May 1811 | Battle of Fuentes
d’Onoroe |
16 May 1811 | Battle
of Albuerae |
25 May 1811 | Duke of York Commander in Chiefe |
24 July 1811 | Parliament proroguede |
6 November 1811 | Up to Town, not actede |
7 December 1811 | Murder of Marre |
19 December 1811 | Murder of Williamsone |
7 January 1812 | Parliament meetse |
6 April 1812 | Capture of Badajoze |
21 April 1812 | Emancipation rejd, Lords, 174 to 102e |
24 April 1812 | Emancipation
rejd, Coms, 300 to
215e |
11 May 1812 | Assassination of Percevale |
20 May 1812 | Liverpool, First Lord of Treasurye |
21 May 1812 | Ministry condemned by
H of C, 174 to 170e |
6 June 1812 | Question of the
Housholde |
8 June 1812 | Liverpool, First Lord of Treasurye |
11 June 1812 | Ministry approved, 289 to
164e |
29 June 1812 | Siddons’s last performancee |
22 July 1812 | Battle of Salamancae |
30 July 1812 | Prorogation of
Parliamente |
12 August 1812 | Wellington at Madride |
7 September 1812 | Battle of theMoscwae |
14 September 1812 | French enter
Moscowe |
29 September 1812 | Parliament dissolvede |
22 October 1812 | Russians reenter Moscowe |
1 November 1812 | French at Madride |
16 November 1812 | Battle of Krasnoie |
30 November 1812 |
Parliament openede |
21 December 1812 | Wardmote, St Andrewse |
22 December 1812 | Wardmotee |
2 January 1813 | Watchman diese |
4 April 1813 | Commercial Hall burnede |
14 April 1813 | Coroner’s Inquest, Ann
Edwardse |
23 April 1813 | Charter-House School Reformede |
21 June 1813 | Battle of Vittoriae |
22 July 1813 | Parliament
proroguede |
18 October 1813 | Battle of
Leipsige |
3 November 1813 | News of Leipsige |
4 November 1813 | Parliament meetse |
15 November 1813 | Revolution of
Hollande |
1 December 1813 | Declaration of the Alliese |
19 December 1813 | Bonaparte to his Senatee |
20 December 1813 | Parliament adjournse |
21 December 1813 | Allies enter
Francee |
31 March 1814 | Surrender of
Parise |
2 April 1814 | Napoleon deposede |
11 May 1814 | Dissolution of Cortese |
30 May 1814 | Peacee |
30 July 1814 | Prorogatione |
24 December 1814 | Peace with
Americae |
17 January 1815 | Court of Aldermen; adv. Goodbehere, Reeves,
Thos Bell &
Linee |
21 February 1815 | Westminster Halle |
23 February 1815 | Westminster Halle |
1 March 1815 | Landing of Bonapartee |
20 March 1815 | Bonaparte enters Parise |
23 May 1815 | War voted, House of Lordse |
25 May 1815 | War voted, House of
Commonse |
1 June 1815 |
Champ de Maie |
18 June 1815 | Battle of Waterlooe |
22 June 1815 | Abdication of Bonee |
3 July 1815 | Convention for the
Surrender of Parise |
12 July 1815 | Parliament
proroguede |
15 July 1815 | Surrender of Bonapartee |
20 December 1815 |
La Valettee |
1 February 1816 | Parliament meetse |
18 March 1816 | Property tax rejected: 238 to 201e |
2 May 1816 | Cobourg marriagee |
2 July 1816 | Prorogatione |
5 September 1816 | Chamber of Deputies dissolved,
Frae |
2 December 1816 | Riot at Beckwith’se |
28 January 1817 | Parliament meetse |
12 February 1817 | Booth appears in Richarde |
12 March 1817 | Execution of Cashmane |
6 June 1817 | Fire at Cromwel’se |
18 June 1817 | Waterloo Faire |
12 July 1817 | Prorogatione |
11 September 1817 | Laycock & Mason (booksellers) finede |
27 January 1818 | Parliament
meetse |
10 June 1818 | Drury Lane Theatre closes, 4 dayse |
10 June 1818 | Dissolution |
2 July 1818 | hear H
Hunte |
4 July 1818 | Close of
Westminster Electione |
14 January 1819 | Parliament meetse |
15 February 1819 | Hobhouse’s Poll begins, 15 dayse |
3 May 1819 | Catholic Question, 241 to
243e |
4 May 1819 | Lotteries, 133 to
84e |
6 May 1819 | Scottish Burghs,
149 to 144e |
13 July 1819 | Prorogatione |
22 July 1819 | Fire, Cow
Lanee |
16 August 1819 | Outrage at Manchestere |
23 November 1819 | Parliament
meetse |
24 November 1819 | Brutus played Nov. 19, 20, 24: Brutus,
& Jaffier, announced (Nov. 22) for 27, interdictede |
13 February 1820 | Berri assassinatede |
23 February 1820 | Thistlewood’s Treasone |
29 February 1820 | Dissolutione |
7 March 1820 | Revolution in
Spaine |
27 April 1820 | Parliament opense |
6 June 1820 | Duel, H
Grattan & Earl of Claree |
6 June 1820 | Queen arrivese |
16 June 1820 | King’s Mews shute |
6 July 1820 | Revolution
of Naplese |
9 July 1820 | Opening of the Spanish
Cortese |
17 August 1820 | Trial of the
Queen commencese |
24 August 1820 | Revolution of
Portugale |
9 September 1820 | House of Lords adjournse |
3 October 1820 | Queen’s Defence: ends 27the |
10 November 1820 | Bill against the
Queen Rejectede |
23 November 1820 | Parliament
proroguede |
23 January 1821 | Parliament meetse |
16 February 1821 | Duel, John
Scott & Christiee |
2 March 1821 | Opening of the Cortes.
Madride |
12 March 1821 | abdication
of the King of Sardiniae |
30 April 1821 | Political Economy Club institutede |
24 May 1821 | Scarlet’s Poor Laws’ Bill, Second
Readinge |
20 June 1821 | Sir R Wilson adjournse |
11 July 1821 | Prorogatione |
19 July 1821 | Coronation.e |
12 August 1821 | King in Dubline |
14 August 1821 | See Procession, w. G Millere |
14 August 1821 | Funeral of the Queene |
5 February 1822 | Parliament meetse |
19 July 1822 | Percy Jocelyne |
6 August 1822 | Prorogatione |
10 August 1822 | King for Scotlande |
16 September 1822 | Canning, Secretary of Statee |
9 January 1823 | Reply of Spain to the Holy
Alliese |
14 January 1823 | Booth publishede |
24 January 1823 | Letter sent, L B to S T Se |
27 January 1823 | Writ of errore |
28 January 1823 | Speech of Louis
18: war with Spaine |
31 January 1823 | Frederic Robinson, Chancellor of Exchre |
4 February 1823 | Parliament meetse |
6 February 1823 | S T S to L Byrone |
19 February 1823 | Attempted change of Spanish
Ministerse |
3 March 1823 | Expulsion of
Manuele |
7 April 1823 | French enter Spaine |
23 May 1823 | French at Madride |
31 May 1823 | Counter Revolution of
Portugale |
14 June 1823 | Ferdinand VII at Cadize |
19 July 1823 | Parliament proroguede |
3 October 1823 | Surrender of
Cadize |
3 February 1824 | Parliament
meetse |
25 June 1824 | Parliament
proroguede |
29 December 1824 | Greshame |
3 February 1825 | Parliament meetse |
1 March 1825 | Catholic
Emancipation voted 247 to 234.e |
3 April 1825 | Easter |
17 May 1825 | Catholic Bill
rejected by Lords, 178 to 130e |
6 July 1825 | Prorogatione |
7 July 1825 | Signature
of L Chancellore |
2 February 1826 | Parliament meetse |
31 May 1826 | Parliament
proroguede |
2 June 1826 | Parliament dissolvede |
28 August 1826 | Inclosure for University begune |
21 November 1826 | Parliament opense |
26 November 1826 | Braganza takene |
11 December 1826 | War Message, Portugale |
13 December 1826 | Parliament adjournse |
9 February 1827 | Parliament meetse |
17 February 1827 | Liverpool, Apoplexy e |
23 February 1827 | Sir Walter Scot avows the Scotch Novelse |
12 April 1827 | Canning, Treasurye |
17 April 1827 | Clarence, L H Admirale |
29 April 1827 | National Guard
disbandede |
30 April 1827 | London University, First Stone; adv.
Gent, R.
Taylor , female E Ts &
Coatese |
2 June 1827 | Acropolis of Athens surrenderse |
2 July 1827 | Prorogatione |
16 July 1827 | Landsdown, Secretarye |
20 October 1827 | Battle of
Navarinoe |
18 November 1827 | Hear Fox,
Finsbury, w. Hodgetses
& Twamleye |
18 January 1828 | Wellington Treasurye |
29 January 1828 | Parliament meetse |
10 May 1828 | Muhlenfels elected, L Ue |
12 May 1828 | Catholic Emancipation, 272 to
266e |
26 May 1828 | Huskisson resignse |
27 May 1828 | Dudley resignse |
5 July 1828 | O’Connel electede |
21 July 1828 | Hampden disinterrede |
28 July 1828 | Parliament proroguede |
12 August 1828 | Dawson’s Speech at Derrye |
1 October 1828 | University of London opense |
18 November 1828 | Accident at C G Theatre,
Gase |
11 December 1828 | Wellington to Curtise |
23 December 1828 | Anglesea to Curtise |
19 January 1829 | Anglesey embarks for Englande |
5 February 1829 | Parliament meetse |
5 March 1829 | Resolution on
Ireland movede |
6 March 1829 | voted, 348 to
160e |
18 March 1829 | Second reading,
353 to 173e |
21 March 1829 | Duel, Wellington & Winchelseae |
30 March 1829 | Third reading, 320 to 142e |
2 April 1829 | Second reading moved, Lordse |
4 April 1829 | Division, 217 to 112e |
13 April 1829 | Emancipation Bill
passede |
24 June 1829 | Prorogatione |
15 September 1829 | George IV reported blinde |
4 February 1830 | Parliament meetse |
17 May 1830 | Jew Bill rejected, 228 to 165e |
23 July 1830 |
Prorogatione |
24 July 1830 | Dissolutione |
25 July 1830 | Ordinances,
Charles Xe |
27 July 1830 | Battle of
Paris, 3 dayse |
28 July 1830 | 2nd
daye |
29 July 1830 | 3rd daye |
2 August 1830 | Kean, sale, & Couriere |
3 August 1830 | Chambers
assemblee |
7 August 1830 | D’Orleans declared K of ye
Frenche |
9 August 1830 | Louis Philip I inauguratede |
26 August 1830 | Insurrection at
Brusselse |
7 September 1830 | Insurrection at
Brunswicke |
23 September 1830 | Battle of
Brussels, 4 dayse |
1 October 1830 | Decree of Ferdinande |
18 October 1830 | Tumults at
Parise |
28 October 1830 | Antwerp burnede |
2 November 1830 | Speech for K. of Hollde |
2 November 1830 | Parliament
opense |
2 November 1830 | Wellington v. Reforme |
7 November 1830 | City dinner (Nov. 9)
abandonede |
15 November 1830 | Civil List
Committee, 233 to 204e |
16 November 1830 | Wellington resignse |
22 November 1830 | Earl Grey, Treasurye |
22 November 1830 | Brougham, Chancellore |
21 December 1830 | Sentence of
Polignac & 3e |
25 December 1830 | La Fayette resignse |
18 January 1831 | O’Connel arrestede |
3 February 1831 | Nemours elected K of Belgianse |
5 February 1831 | Revolution of
Modenae |
1 March 1831 | Plan
of Parliamty Reform opened, debate 7 dayse |
14 March 1831 | First Readinge |
22 March 1831 | Second Reading, 302 to 301e |
7 April 1831 | Emperor of Brasil abdicatese |
19 April 1831 | Numbers for
England & Wales to continue,
299 to 291e |
20 April 1831 | Prorogation of Chamberse |
22 April 1831 | Prorogatione |
23 April 1831 | July 24, 183 Dissolutione |
21 June 1831 | Parliament opense |
6 July 1831 | Reform Bill, Second Reading, 367 to 231e |
12 July 1831 | Eight Divisions on
Reforme |
22 July 1831 | Leopold inauguratede |
23 July 1831 | opening of Chamberse |
15 August 1831 | Massacre of Warsawe |
7 September 1831 | Surrender of
Warsawe |
8 September 1831 | Coronatione |
21 September 1831 | Reform Bill passes the Commons, 345 to 236e |
22 September 1831 | Chamber, Ministry approved, 221 to 136e |
3 October 1831 | Second Reading Lords Debate beginse |
7 October 1831 | Reform Bill rejected, Lords 199 to 158e |
9 October 1831 | Capo d’Istrias assassinatede |
10 October 1831 | Ebrington, 329 to 198e |
20 October 1831 | Prorogatione |
29 October 1831 | Riots at
Bristole |
31 October 1831 | Cholera at Sunderlande |
21 November 1831 | Prorogation to
Dec. 6e |
21 November 1831 | Insurrection at Lyonse |
6 December 1831 | Parliament
opens. meetse |
12 December 1831 | Reform Bill,
First Readinge |
17 December 1831 | Second Reading 324 to
162e |
27 December 1831 | Hereditary Peerage rejectede |
26 January 1832 | Russian Subsidy, 239 to 219e |
18 February 1832 | E Grey, Dinner w L Mayore |
28 February 1832 | Metropolitan Boroughs, 316 to 236
/e |
22 March 1832 | Third Reading 355 to
239e |
9 April 1832 | Seco{nd} Reading, Lords, Debate
beginse |
13 April 1832 | Reform Bill, Secd
Reading, Lds 184 to 175 e |
6 May 1832 | Schedules, A B, postponed, 151 to 116
e |
9 May 1832 | Ministers resigne |
10 May 1832 | Ibington, 288 to
208e |
15 May 1832 | Grey sent fore |
17 May 1832 | Sir Herbert Taylor’s Lettere |
18 May 1832 | Ministers reinstated.e |
4 June 1832 | Third Reading, 106 to 22e |
5 June 1832 | Tumults at Parise |
7 June 1832 | Reform Act passede |
16 August 1832 | Prorogatione |
3 December 1832 | Parliament
dissolvede |
29 January 1833 | Parliament
meetse |
12 February 1833 | Irish Church Reform
proposede |
15 February 1833 | Irish Coercion Bill, 1st
reading, Lordse |
18 March 1833 | Vote for Murraye |
2 April 1833 | Irish Coercion Act
passede |
26 April 1833 | Malt Tax reduced,
162 to 152e |
30 April 1833 | Althorp’s motion, 355 to 157e |
3 June 1833 | Vote on Portugal, Lords, 68
to 80e |
6 June 1833 | Vote on
Portugal, Cs, 361 to 98e |
12 June 1833 | Letter, Hon. Jas Stewarte |
19 July 1833 | Wellington, Amendmt negd 157 to 98e |
24 July 1833 | Surrender of
Lisbone |
25 July 1833 | Abp 84 to 82e |
3 August 1833 | Wilberforce’s Funerale |
14 August 1833 | Irish Church Reform Act passed e |
16 August 1833 | Hume, Motion on Sinecures, withdrawne |
29 August 1833 | Parliament proroguede |
4 February 1834 | Parliament meetse |
5 May 1834 | Pensions, H of Cs, 390 to 148e |
22 May 1834 | Exchequer Act passede |
8 July 1834 | Althorp & Grey
resigne |
14 July 1834 | Melbourne Treasurye |
24 July 1834 | Spanish Cortes opene |
11 August 1834 | Irish
Tithe Bill rejd, Lds, 189 to 122.)e |
15 August 1834 | Prorogatione |
10 October 1834 | Revolution of
Exchequere |
16 October 1834 | Lords & Commons
burnede |
16 October 1834 | Fire; Aldis calls
ne |
14 November 1834 | Ministers dismissede |
17 November 1834 | Wellington, Home Sece |
21 November 1834 | Wellington, Treas)
Lindhurst, Chancellore |
10 December 1834 | Peel, Chanc. Exc.e |
15 December 1834 | Peel, Treasurye |
29 December 1834 | Parliament dissolvede |
19 February 1835 | Parliament meets: Abercromby, Speaker, 316 to
306e |
26 February 1835 | Amendment, 309 to 302e |
13 March 1835 | Appointment of L Londonderry debde |
2 April 1835 | appropriation, Church Revenues, Ireland, 4 days’ debate,
322 to 289e |
8 April 1835 | Ministers resigne |
18 April 1835 | Melbourne, Treasurye |
8 July 1835 | H of Commons, Irish Poor Laws;
O’Connel, &ce |
17 July 1835 | Wellington (reported) to
Windsore |
22 July 1835 | Divide Irish Appropriation
Bill, 3 days’ debate, 282 to 319. July 21, 22, 23e |
28 July 1835 | Attempted assassination of
Louis Phillipee |
29 July 1835 | counsel to be heard on
Corporation Bill, Lordse |
3 August 1835 | Evidence admitted on Corporation Bill, Lds, 124 to 54e |
21 August 1835 | L John Russel on Suppliese |
24 August 1835 | appropriation clauses, Irish Church Bill, negatived, Lords, 138
to 41e |
31 August 1835 | Corporation Bill again in
Commonse |
10 September 1835 | Corporation Act passed: Prorogatione |
16 November 1835 | Cortes
openede |
4 February 1836 | Parliament meetse |
23 February 1836 | Orange Societies proscribed, D C, nce |
26 February 1836 | Cumberland concedese |
8 March 1836 | Irish Corporation Bill, to proceed, after 2nd reading, 307 to
243e |
24 March 1836 | Pix |