William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for 1805



Jan. 1. 1805. Tu. Fleetwood, revise. Twin Rivals, act 1, 2, 3. Call on Johnsonn & R Taylor; adv. Jas Wt & B Montagu: ca Turner calls: call on Nicholson, w. M J, for children: sup, do, at Rowan’s.

2. W.Fleetwood, invent. Twin Rivals, act 4, 5: Sebastian, çala. Write to Everina. Three Rowans, 4 Nicholson’s, Foulkes & R Taylor dine; invités Northcote, Combes, Carlisle, Buchan & Wolcot.

3. Th. Fleetwood, p. 234/2, & 1 page. Impertinent Curiosity (D 2), pp. 53. Lye calls. Write to A G. Roslyn dies.

4. F.Fleetwood, p. 235. Lambs, Hazlit & Fk at tea.

5. Sa. Fleetwood, p. 237/4. Wonder, act 1, 2, 3. Call on Luntley, mrs Hill, Beadle & Sanderson: Everina calls: Jas Wt dines: theatre, Harlequin’s Fire Side, & Prize; adv. Reynoldse.

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Jan. 6. Su. Fleetwood, p. 238/2, invent, & revise . Figaro, acts 1 & 2. J J G calls: Jo G dines; adv. Le Cronier.

7. M. Fleetwood, p. 238. Don Carlos (Sch.) p. 210. Call, w. M J, on H Rowan (adv. Hay & 2): sup, do, at Wake’s.

8. Tu. Fleetwood, p. 240/2. Figaro, fin. Palmer calls: call, w. M J, on Buckley & mrs Walding.

9. W. Fleetwood, p. 242. Don Carlos, p. 327, fin: Wonder, acts 4 & 5. H Rowan calls.

10. Th. Fleetwood, p. 244. Fathom, çala. Call on H Rowann, mrs Nicholson, Carlisle & Sandersonn: H Rowan calls: meet Hazlit.

11. F. Fleetwood, p. 246. Everina calls: call on Johnsonna, Jo Gn, J J G & Sanderson: meet Wake: 3 Nicholsons & O Fk dine; adv. 3 Ritherdons, 3 Lauries, Bingley, Beynon, Jas Wt & C Keir: dine at Carlisle’s, w. Opie, Sh. Turner, Carpue & Tobin.

12. Sa. Call on Luntley, Brookes & mrs Hill: Fk calls pour fils: theatre, 3/10 Rangere. A Opie

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Jan. 13. Su. Fleetwood, p. 248/2. J J G calls. Revise.

14. M. Fleetwood, p. 250. Sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J; adv. A Hamilton. Write to Wroughton. Addington, President of C.e

15. Tu. Fleetwood, p. 252. Jo G calls: theatre, School of Reform; adv. Hoare & Ht.eParliament meetse.

16. W. Fleetwood, 1 1/2 pages. Call on Wordsworthn, Sanderson, Jo G n, J J G & R Taylorn: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Henley; adv. A L Barbd.

17. Th. Fleetwood, p. 253, & 1 page. St Phale, p. 64. Fk calls: call on Nicholsonn.

18. F. Fleetwood, p. 256. St Phale, p. 120.

19. Sa.Fleetwood, p. 259. E Fk calls: call on R Taylor, Jo G & Johnson; adv. Dr Thornton: meet Sharp. & Dyer.

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Jan. 20. Su. Fleetwood, p. 261. Napier &J J G call: dine at Nicholson’s, w. 3 Hts, 3 Smiths, E Kelly, Gruber, Heywood & M J.

21. M. Coriolanus, act 5: Tom Jones, çala. Call on Sanderson & Wordsworth: meet Turner. Pearces call.

22. Tu.Fleetwood, p. 262, & 2 pages. Tom Jones, çala. Mrs Wale & C Brookes call: call on Ht (debate on Bt refait).

23. W. Fleetwood, p. 265. Mariamne, act 3, 4, 5. Call on Wordsworth, M & C Lamb, Johnson, Jo Gn, Ball (Gittshur ) & Mccabe n: Jas Wt dines. (adv. G Robinson.)

24. Th. Fleetwood, p. 268. Hazlit calls: call on Luntley, mrs Hill, Batty, Jo Gn, Taylor & J J G: theatre, 2/5 Clandestine Marriagee.

25. F.Fleetwood, p. 271/2. Call on Wordsworth & Nicholson: Everina dines, ppc. [wedding-supper.e] Jo G calls.

26. Sa. Fleetwood, p. 273/2, & 1/2 page. Call on R Taylor & Jo G: meet Fillingham & Reynolds: call, w. M J, on Carlisle; adv. Barry & mrs Wilson : sup, do, at H Rowan’s. Call on MacCabe.

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Jan. 27. Su. Fleetwood, p. 274/2, & 1/2 page; revise. J J G calls: call on Wake; adv. mrs Carles & la. Harrington.

28. M. Fleetwood, p. 275/4. Annis calls: call on Taylor, Jo G & Fire Office & Dulau; adv. Leviczac: dine at H Rowan’s, w. Hawthorns & M J: theatre, w. do, Douglas e. meet Wake.

29. Tu. St Forlaix, Vol. I, II. Call on Fire Office, Jo Gn, Alexander & Wroughton, &, w. M J, on Johnson, J J G, EM Lamb & Mrs Balam: meet J Robinson & Fk.

30. W. Fleetwood, p. 276/2. St Forlaix, Vol. III. Dine at H Rowan’s, w. Hts, Hawthorns, Crawford, O’Hara & M J.

31. Th. Fleetwood, p. 277; revise. Call on Wordsworth & R Taylor: Jas Wt dines: theatre, w. M J & do, Honey Moon; adv. Reynolds & C Kemble & O’Briene.


Feb. 1. F. Fleetwood, p. 281/2. Call on Ball, w. Wordsworth: S & V Napier, & Jas Wt dine; ad Wake: sup at Lamb’s, w. Manning, Rickman, Burney, Hazlit, Jas Wt & M J.

2. Sa. Fleetwood, p. 284/2. Call on Wordsworth: theatres; adv. Lawrencee.

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Feb. 3. Su. Fleetwood, p. 286. St Forlaix, Vol. IV, p. 86. Galt, Wakes & J J G call.

4. M. Fleetwood, p. 290. Call on R Taylor, Barclay bank (£19) & Wordsworthn: meet Thos Campbel & Ouvry: sup, w. M J, at H Rowan’s. Call on Jo G & J J G. adv. Dr Reeve.

5. Tu. Fleetwood, p. 293. Call on Lamb & J Gn: theatre, Mountaineerse. Write to Wroughton.

6. W. Fleetwood, p. 296. Museum, Loix Criminelles; adv. Damiani & Shawe: Dickins calls: call on Carlisle (adv. Bloxam) & Dickins.

7. Th. Fleetwood, p. 299, fin. Write to Philips. Call on Jo G & J J G: Hazlit calls: dine at Wake’s, w. Turners, Dr Hewit & son, & M J.

8. F.Fleetwood, revise. Call on J G: dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J, M, C & J: theatre, do, School of Reform, & H Quicksilvere.

9. Sa.Fleetwood, revise. Ad. Mowbray, p. 106. Call on Dickins; adv. Eustace: Jas Wt dines.

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Feb. 10. Su.Fleetwood, revise. Lambs, Manning, Hazlit & miss Martin at tea.

11. M. Fleetwood, 2 pages; revise. A Mowbray, p. 237; Vol. II, p. 132. Annis & Darnel call: sup at Fk’s: Turner calls n.

12. Tu. Read Fleetwood, Vol. I: A Mowbray, p. 237. Dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J & F: sup at Lamb’s: theatre, w. mrs Rowan, &c., & Macneil, Lady of the Rock; adv. Hill, Boaden & Nicholsonse.

13. W. Preface, 1 page. Fleetwood, Vol. II, p. 125. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, capt. Hunter, Gruber & Kilburn: tea R Taylors w. Yarnolds: theatre, Too Many Cookse: sup, w. M J, at Fk’s.

14. Th. Fleetwood, p. 300: A Mowbray, Vol. III, p. 160. Call on Northcote & Nicholson: theatre, Lady of the Rocke.

15. F. A Mowbray, p. 296, fin. Call on Wordsworthn, Taylor, Philips, Johnson & Jo Gn (am); Nicholson & mrs Rowan: Nicholsons call n: sup at Ht’s, w. Mercier: meet E Hick. Fleetwood published .

16. Sa. Fleetwood, Vol. III, p. 150. St Forlaix, p. 215, fin. Call on Mortonn & Waken: theatre, Marry or Not Marry; adv. (Anspach) Philipsese: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.

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Feb. 17. Su. Dine at H Tooke’s, w. Bosville, James, W & H Scott, & C C:miss Plowdens n, J J G n & Turner call.

18. M. Write to E Inchbald. Fleetwood, p. 342, fin: Modern Griselda, p. 66. Call on C Moore, &Lamb; adv. Fks &E Reynolds: theatre, Epiloguee.

19. Tu.Alfarache, p. 24. Theatre, Lover’s Vows, acts 3 & 4e.

20. W. Alfarache, p. 40. Call on R Taylor, Jo G & McCabe: Wolcot, Northcote, Jas Wt & E Fks dine; adv. Turner, Hazlit: invités, Rickman, Carlisle, Fk & Lambs. J J G calls n. Fleetwood, 1/2 p.

21. Th. Modern Griselda, p. 170, fin. Call on Lamb, &, w. M J, on Nicholson: sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J.

22. F. Fables, p. 4. Alfarache, p. 50. Call on Philips (adv. Heron) & Rickman, T. C.

23. Sa. Fables, p. 11. Alfarache, p. 64. Call on Wordsworth: theatre, Tancred; adv. Edwardse.

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Feb. 24. Su.Alfarache, p. 101-126. Nicholson calls: call on Wroughton (read act 5) & Lambn. meet Boaden.

25. M. Fables, p. 17. Alfarache, p. 131. Miss Green calls: call on Philips (negociation openede) & Keir.

26. Tu. Fables, p. 21. Bosville calls n: call on Jo G & Johnson; adv. Damiani & Henley: meet C Moore & T C Rickman: dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J: theatre, Marry or Not; w. Rowans & M J; adv. Boadene.

27. W. Fables, p. 25. Call on Philips [History of England]; adv. Heron (Peltier) & Raymond; call on J G, & w M J, on Taylor; adv. Pontigny: sup at Lamb’s, w. Hazlit & sister. Mrs Wilcocke dies.

28. Th.Fables, p. 30/2. Note from Ht: call on Nicholsonn: write to M: M calls on M Je: send to Kentish Town: go to the theatree. Lamb calls: call on Teaguen.


Mar. 1. F. Fables, p. 35. Call on Dawe & Nicholson: meet M: M calls on M Je: Jas Wt dines.

2. Sa. Call on Philips; adv. E Fk: meet Harwood: N G dines: theatre, Out of Placee.

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Mar. 3. Su.Fables, p. 42/2. Write to Ht. J J G & W L White call: call on Nicholson.

4. M. Write to Nicholson on Ht. Letter from Philips. Call on Dawe: theatre, Romeoe.

5. Tu. Call on Dawes (w. M J), Taylor, Philipsn (adv. Stephens), Nicholson & Mulreadyn: dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J. Burdet seatede

6. W. Fables, p. 46/2. Call on Nicholson, Philips (adv. Stephens), W Scott n & Plowden: Mulready calls: Jas Wt dines; adv. 3 Livies, Northcote, Hazlit, Lambs & Dawes.

7. Th.Fables, p. 48. Call on Philips; adv. Flint & Taylor: theatre, w. M J, E Fks, M Lamb & Hazlit, 2/5 Marry or Not, & Out of Placee: call on Nicholson.

8. F. Call on Philips; adv. Abbot (instructed): call on M Lamb, W Spankey, Northcote & Waken.

9. Sa. Alfarache, p. 148. Call on W Scott n: Turner calls: sup, w. do, at Lamb’s.

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Mar. 10. Su. Fables, p. 49/2. Combe calls: J, Jo. & N Godwin dine & G M C.

11. M. Alfarache, p. 166: Jealous Lovers, act 1. Jo & N G, mrs Rowan, Jane, mrs B & Fitzgerald call: Jas Wt dines: call, w. him, on Keir.

12. Tu. Fables, p. 51/2. Write to Nicholson, on Ht. Call on Philips (adv. Taylor) & Combe: meet Sharpe, Burrel & Wordsworth: tea at Turner’s.

13. W. Fables, p. 53. Call on Wordsworth, Abbot, Philipsna (adv. Dr Adams), & Nicholson & Wken: meet R Taylor.

14. Th. Fables, p. 56. Alfarache, p. 182. Call on Philipsna, Lamb, Johnson & R Taylor: meet Sharpe & Dignum:Jo & N G at tea.

15. F.Fables, p. 58. Alfarache, p. 189. Call on H Rowan, (adv. Fitzgerald) Mulready cum Varley, & Northcote; adv. sir G Beaumont: tea at Adams’s: Hazlit & Wakes call n.

16. Sa.Fables, p. 62. Call on R Taylor & Philips; adv. Norgate: N G calls: theatre, 3/5 Hamlet; adv. Fke.

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Mar. 17. Su.Fables, p. 68/2. Alfarache, p. 202. Nicholson, Dickins & J J G call, & Carlisle. Write to A G.

18. M. Fables, p. 73. Alfarache, p. 218. Call on T C Rickmann & Wake; adv. La. Harrington: Jo & N G, & Jas Wt sup. Napoleon, King of Lombardye

19. Tu. Fables, p. 76/2. Alfarache, p. 222. Tobin calls: call on Jas Wt (44£ 12 mths) & mrs Rowan: Lambs, Hazlit & Fk sup. Wke calls n.

20. W. Fables, p. 79/2. Call on Abbot, Taylorn & Jo Gn: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Davy.

21. Th. Fables, p. 84/2. Alfarache, p. 245. Call on Abbot, J G & Philips; adv. Ede: theatrese.

22. F. Fables, p. 85/2. Alfarache, p. 255. Call on R Taylor, Jo Gn & Philips: Wake calls n: call, w. M J, on Wake & mrs Rowan: Turner & Mulready call.

23. Sa.Fables, p. 87. Write to Hollis. Call on Philips; adv. Pratt, Hoare, Wilkie & Holt, senr[sign] & pressmen: call on Morgan, w. Philips; adv. Cooper: theatre, 3/5 Hamlet, w. M Je.

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Mar. 24. Su. Fables, p. 93. Write to Hollis. J G &G M C dines; adv. J G: sup at Wake’s, w. M J & la. Harrington.

25. M.Fables, p. 96. Write to Wedgwood. Wake calls: meet M: Jo G & Wilcocke at tea: call on mrs Joyce, for M J ; adv. Benjer & miss Reid. Adams calls.

26. Tu. Fables, p. 101/2. Write to C Smith & E Inchbald: meet Saunderson: call on J G & Lamb, for M J.

27. W. Call on Philips, E A O, Fuseli, Nicholson & Comben: meet R Taylor, J Taylor, Carlisle & Planta. Life of Inchbald, Vol. I.

28. Th. Answer letters from T W & C S. Inchbald, V. II. A & F Rowan, S Beresford, & miss Eastwick dine: Devoy calls.

29. F. Inchbald, Vol. III. Wakes, L Eastwick & F Dunbar at tea. Fables, p. 102.

30. Sa. Inchbald, Vol. IV. Call on R Taylor. Theatre, 2/5 Wheel of Fortune; adv. Mortone.

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Mar. 31. Su. Henry, Vol. II, p. 62. Dine at Philips’s, w. Pratt, Almon, Beaufort, Carr, Medland, R Taylor & Surrs.


Apr. 1. M. Henry, p. 72. Call on Perry (Merton), sans notice: sleep at Morden. Write to M J.[Not in London]

2. Tu. Coach to Leatherhead; breakfast: coach to Godalming; dine: tea C Smith’s, Elsted: sleep at Stump’s.[Not in London]

3. W. Petrarca, çala. Walk to Waverley & Moor Park. Write to M J.[Not in London]

4. Th. Southey, Madoc: Hayley, Cowper. Walk to Pepper Harrow, lord Middleton.[Not in London]

5. F. Coach to Cobham; dine; Painshill: tea Esher: sup at Kingston. Write to M J, en reponse.[Not in London]

6. Sa. Write to E Inchbald. Muses’ Looking Glass, acts 1, 2, 3. Day at Richmond; M J at tea.[Not in London]

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Apr. 7. Su. Dine at Somers Town.[Not in London]

8. M. Northern Antiqs. pp. 47. Call on J G,Philips (adv. Keys, Gillet & Hurst), Wordsworthn & Owen: miss Green dines. Melville censured, 217 to 216e.

9. Tu. Cæsar, Druides: Henry, çala. Wakes call, & Jo G.

10. W. Henry, çala. Write to Inchbald. Hazlit, Turnern & Dawen call: call on Wordsworth: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Hewlet.

11. Th. Henry, çala. L Eastwick & Kent call: P G dines: call on Jo G: meet T C Rickman: J J G calls: Dawe sups. Turner calls n

12. F. Henry, çala. Call on Mulready, & H Rowanna: meet Buchan & Owen.

13. Sa. Write to C Smith. Call on Wordsworth, R Taylor (adv. Edward), Philips, & Lamb; adv. Hazlit: meet Margt Jones & Dyer: Thos Hope’s, w. Dawes, Christal, mrs Varley & M J: Owen calls. Erysipelase.

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Apr. 14. Su. Write to H G. Davies, Owen, &c; çala. J J G calls: dines at Philips’s, w. Batty, Marsh, Browns & Surrs; adv. Reid.

15. M. Davies, çala. P G & Yates dine; adv. Fk, Snagg & young Rowans.

16. Tu. Pinkerton & Maurice, çala. Combe & Mulready call. Write to Inchbald.

17. W.England, p. 1. Turner, Vindication, p. 150: Lamb, Hazlit, Fk & J G at tea.

18. Th. England, p. 3. Robertson, India, pp. 140: Bailly, p. 90.

19. F. England, p. 5. Bailly, p. 204. Carlisle calls.

20. Sa. England, p. 7. Bailly, p. 345; Vol. II, p. 45. S & M Nicholson & Mulready call.

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Apr. 21. Su.England, p. 8. Henry, pp. 80: Bailly, p. 102. J G & J J G & Margt Jones call: sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J.

22. M. Strabo Diodorus, Mela, Pliny, çala: Bailly, p. 207. Theatre, Who wants a Guinea; adv. Jerninghame.

23. Tu. England, p. 10. Bailly, p. 288. Call on R Taylor, Johnson & Jo Gn: Turner calls: theatre, Soldier’s Returne.

24. W. England, p. 11. Bailly, p. 395. Call on Chancery Office, Wordsworth, Philips, &J J G, & mrs Livie, for M J : S, A & M Nicholson at tea: Owen calls.

25. Th.England, p. 15/2. Bailly, p. 441, fin. Wakes, 4 Rowans, & 2 Beresfords tea & supper.

26. F. England, p. 18. Agricola, §.1-10. Call on R Taylor: Mulready calls.

27. Sa. England, p. 21/2. Call on Dawe, & Grattann: meet Reynolds: Fks, Margt Jones & G M C dine; adv. Lamb, Hazlit, Turner & R Taylor.

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Apr. 28. Su. England, p. 22. Bailly, çala. Wroughton calls: call on Keir. Dawe at tea.

29. M. England, p. 24. Exhibition, w. M J; adv. Opie, Perry, Boaden, Morton, (Shee) Manning, Dawes, Annis, Hazlit, Christal & Haywarde: call on Joyce, w. M J.

30. Tu. England, p. 26/2. Call on Dadley: meet Lamb. M J at Chiswick. Write to E Wt.


May 1. W. England, p. 29/2. Agricola, §. 9. Call on Alexander.

2. Th. England, p. 31. Agricola, §. 17. Call on Northcote.

3. F. England, p. 33. Call on Jo Gn ; adv. Lea: theatre, 1/5 First Lovee:sup at Rowan’s, w. M J. Hazlit calls.

4. Sa. Tacitus, çala. Call on Dawe: theatre, Venetian Outlaw; adv. Knight & Hille: sup at Nicholson’s, w. miss Shepherd, miss Hayward & M J; adv. Jones.

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May 5. Su. Tacitus, Mably, Gibbon, çala. Jo G dines: Dawe at tea.

6. M. Whitaker, p. 212: Gibbon, Chap. XV. Call, w. M J, on Waken, & Carlisle; adv. Bloxam.

7. Tu.Gibbon, Chap. XVI, &c. Dawe sups. Lansdown dies.

8. W. Whitaker, p. 385. Theatre, Richard III; adv. Hille.

9. Th. Vertot, &c. Call on I O & Wordsworth.

10. F. England, p. 35. Meet Hollis: theatre, Zara; adv. Hoare & Battye: sup at Rowan’s, w. M J.

11. Sa. England, p. 39. Call on Plowden: meet Foulkes: Mulready calls.

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May 12. Su. England, p. 42. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Edgworth, Beaufort & Malthus.

13. M.Write to J Taylor. Dawe & Hazlitn call: meet J Taylor: call on Northcote; (adv. Parker.) Annual Review, çala.

14. Tu.England, p. 44. Call on R Taylor: Owen calls: 5 Nicholsons dine; adv. Dawe.

15. W. England, p. 45. CallWrite to Southey. Call on Lamb, Jo Gn, & R Taylor; adv. Montagu: meet Turner & Tooke: sup at Lamb’s, w. Hazlit.

16. Th. England, p. 46. Call on Jo G & Hazlit: (meet Dyson): tea Wake’s, w. Turners, sir Ed. Harrington, missmrs Thynne, miss Morgan, miss Coutts & Thomson: Dawe calls n.

17. F.England, p. 48. Call on Johnson, McMillan; &, w. M J, on Lamb & Livie; adv. //Edw. Taylor: Dawe sups.

18. Sa. England, p. 51. Mulready calls: Edgworth, Rickman, Beaufort, Northcote, Hoare & H Rowan cdine.

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May 19. Su. Call on J Rickman: dine at H Tookes, w. Le Maitre & P Courtney: sup at H Rowan’s, w. miss Hamilton & M J. Carlisle calls n: meet Hutchins.

20. M. England, p. 52. Call on McMillan, w. M J: sup at Lamb’s, w. Manning, Arch & M J. J J G calls.

21. Tu. England, p. 54. Hazlit & Langslow call: dine at H Rowan’s, w. Northcote, Fitzgerald & M J. meet Boaden: Dawe & Turner call n .

22. W. England, p. 58. Call on Burroughsn: Owenn & Turner call: Dawe sups.

23. Th. England, p. 62. Call on R Taylor & Wordsworth: Masters, & R & E Taylor dine; adv. Turner & Mulready.

24. F.England, p. 64. Burroughs calls: call on R Taylor, Wolcotn, &, w. M J, &c, on Keir & Joyce: meet Hill & Philips.

25. Sa. England, p. 65. Write to Turner. Call on McMillan & Carlisle: theatre, Youth, Love & Folly; adv. Condée. Union of Genoae. Paley dies.

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May 26. Su. England, revise. Call on McMillan (copy), Fuselin & Dadley: Jo G & Turner call.

27. M. England, revise. Call on Batty, P Street, & Bunhil Fields: (meet Fell:) theatre, Mourning Bride (Siddons); adv. Battye: Dawe sups. Lamb calls n.

28. Tu. England, revise. Call on Nicholson (w. Ht’s will): Grattann, Dadley & Mulready call.

29. W. England, revise. Call on Jo G; adv John Sm: & on R & E Taylor: Mulready calls: Lambs sup.

30. Th. England, 2 pages. Mulready calls: Mde Prevôt at tea: sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J; adv. Barry.

31. F. England, medite. Fk calls: call on Jacob, & mrs Grattan & Northcote: meet Webb.


June 1. Sa. Fables, 103-107. Call on Lord Mayor, Jo G, Philips (adv. Barlow & Watkins) & Wordsworth: meet Butler, vdm.

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June 2.Su.Fables, p. 107, 108. Grattan breakfasts: McMillan calls: dine at Philips’s, w. H Ellis; adv. Palmer. J G & Turner call n.

3. M. Fables, p. 110. Call on R Taylor & Turner: J G dines: Turner sups.

4. Tu. Fables, p. 116/2. 6 junr Rowans, & 2 Beresfords dine.

5. W. Fables, p. 121. Meet Edgworth & Fk: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli & Bonnycastle; adv. Houghton.

6. Th.Fables, p. 124/2. Mulready calls. (meet Dyson.)

7. F. Fables, p. 128; preface, 2 1/2 pp. Meet Mulready.

8. Sa. Mulready & H Rowan call: call on Jo G (adv. Acot) & Nicholson (adv. Combe).

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June 9. Su. Call, w. M J, on E Fk, at mrs Halls, Chiswick: dine at H Tooke’s, w. Bosville, Edgworth, Beaufort, Boddington, French, Scotts, P Courtney, E Fk & M J.

10. M.Fables, p. 134.

11. Tu. Fables, p. 138. History of the Plague.

12. W.Fables, p. 146. Write to Planta. Melville Impeachment, 195 to 272: Criminal Prosecution, 238 to 229e.

13. Th. Fables, p. 152. Hazlit calls: Wolcot dines; Lofft expected.

14. F. Fables, p. 156.

15. Sa. Fables, p. 159/2. Dadley, Dawe & Mulready call.

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June 16. Su.Fables, p. 163. Mrs Rowan, mrs Beresford & miss Hamilton call: Grattan, Perry, Hutchins, Northcote, Wolcot, Carlisle & Turner dine; invités Bellenden, Nicholson, Reynolds & Lofft.

17. M. Fables, p. 169. Meet Huchins: Lamb at tea; adv. miss Smith.

18. Tu. Fables, p. 178/2; fin. Dine at Philips’s, w. Aikin, Edgworth, Dillon, Hoare, Wolcot, Gregory, 2 Belshams, Keys, & miss Owenson: theatre, w. Hoare, Reviewe. meet Hollis. Murphy dies.

19. W. Jo G & Turner call: Keir sups. Write to T C Rickman.

20. Th. Call on Wroughton, Alexander, Lord Mayor, & Philips; adv. miss Owenson: Mrs H Rowan, mrs Beresford, & 2, miss Hamilton, 3 Plowdens & Northcote at tea; invités Nicholsons.

21. F. Call on Philips, Johnson, Jo G, R Taylor & Wordsworth: meet Lamb & J Taylor: Mulready calls.

22. Sa. Wakes & Lye call: meet J Taylor.

Dep. e.207, fol.  43r
[fol. 43r]

June 23. Su. Chapman, Warton, &c, çala. Meet Wroughton: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J: Mulready calls n.

24. M.Primrose Street, No. 20, w. Hooley & Jo G: R Taylor at tea: Hooley calls.

25. Tu. Warton, çala. Call on Jo G, mrs Hodgkins, & Nicholson, for M J: Mulready calls.

26. W. Warton, çala. M Jones calls: E Fk at tea: Dawe & Mulready sup. Call on Ellisn; adv. Gray

27. Th. Dine at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J & children: call on Nicholson.

28. F. Theatre, Partners; adv. J Taylor, O Brien (& Rowans)e.

29. Sa. Call on Nicholson & Mulreadyn: Flint’s: meet Lamb & Hazlit.

Dep. e.207, fol.  43v
[fol. 43v]

June 30. Su. England, 1 page. Mulready calls: M J dines; adv. Lamb.


July 1. M. England, revise. Me Prevôt at tea: call on Ellisn.

2. Tu. Fables, revise. Mulready & Dawe call.

3. W. Advertisemente. Call on Hodgkins, Northcote (adv. Prado) & Lambn.

4. Th. Barclay, &c. Hazlit calls: call on mrs Rowan, for M J: Dawe sups. Write to C Smith.

5. F. Write to Darton. Call on J & Jo G, & Philips nit, & Keir: Mulready calls: Dawes sup. meet Wroughton.

6. Sa. Mrs Rowan & Mulready call.

Dep. e.207, fol.  44r
[fol. 44r]

July 7. Su.McMillan & Jo G call: call on Nicholson: dine at mrs Rowan’s, w. Northcote & M J. Cowley, Plantarum, vs. 200.

8. M. Youthful Worthies, & Jane Grey, çala. Call on Dawe, for M J. Sidmouth resignse.

9. Tu. Cowley, vs. 200: Milton, çala. Turner, Mulready & 3 Dawes, tea & supper; adv. Dadley.

10. W. Call on Dawe, w. M J: meet Boaden, Hawthorns & Wakes. T Wedgwood dies

11. Th. Love’s Riddle, acts 1 & 2. Call on Ellis & Planta: meet Shaw: call on Dawe, for M J : me Prevost calls: C C

12. F. Call on Jo G; adv. Jno Smith: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J. Prorogatione.

13. Sa.Write to Planta. Call on Dawe, for M J.

Dep. e.207, fol.  44v
[fol. 44v]

July 14. Su. 5 Rowans at tea.

15. M. Cowley, vs. 297. Call on Jo G: Dawes, Mulready & Turner at tea: Kentish Town, w. them; adv. Dawe senr & V Ht: Northcote calls n.

16. Tu. Cowley, p. 2. Call on Hodgkins: mes Carlisle, White & Sloper, & Mulready at tea; adv. Turner. (Mulready narrative.)

17. W. Cowley, çala. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, John Walker, Dr Edwards, capt. Hunter & Canton: A & F Rowan dine.

18. Th.Pope, çala. Call on Lamb, & miss Smith, w. M J: Mulready at tea, narratif. (Cherry’s play.)

19. F. Mulready, çala. Fk calls: walk w. Turner: call on Philips (for Fk ); adv. McMillan, Gillet & Surrs.

20. Sa. Seek Dickins (pro Arnot) & Burroughs: call on Waken: Luzena Smith dines; adv. tante: Mulready sups.

Dep. e.207, fol.  45r
[fol. 45r]

July 21. Su.Mulready, p. 5. J G at tea: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J.

22. M. Mulready, p. 8. Fk dines (ppc): call on D. Stuartn: meet E E &O Fks.

23. Tu. Mulready, p. 10. Call on D Stuart na, & Johnson; adv. Belsham: meet Fks: Sadler’s Wells, w. miss Smith, Luzena, Hooley, M J & children, Talking Bird, & An Bratache. meet C Moore & Lb.

24. W.Mulready, p. 12/2. Call on Jacobn, Wroughtonn, & Nicholson: meet Bosville: call on Hazlit, w. M J: Lamb at tea.

25. Th. Mulready, p. 16/2. Call on Jacob, w. M J: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. do; adv. Plunkets. Letter from Planta.

26. F. Mulready, p. 21. Milton, Elegs 1, 2, 3. Meet capt. Burney.

27. Sa. Mulready, p. 24. Milton, çala. Write to Wroughton, Langslow & Everina. Call on Dawe, for M J : meet Batty.

Dep. e.207, fol.  45v
[fol. 45v]

July 28. Su. Mulready, p. 28, fin. Milton, Eleg. 4. Mulready dines.

29. M. Mulready, revise. Chapman’s Odyssey, B. XIV. Mulready at tea.

30. Tu.Mulready, 2 pages; revise. Call on Plantan: Joyces at tea; adv. Carlisle & Standard: Dadley calls.

31. W. Chapman, B. XV. Call on Nicholson, for M J ; &, w. do, on Jacob (Brompton) & mrs Rowan. Letter from Wroughton. Mulready calls n.


Aug. 1. Th. Meet Wolcot & Combe: call on Planta & Jo G: Mulready calls.

2. F. Call on R Taylorn; adv. Arthur.

3. Sa.Volpone, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on R Taylor.

Dep. e.207, fol.  46r
[fol. 46r]

Aug. 4. Su.Volpone, acts 4 & 5. H Rowan & 5 & Fitzgerald call: sup at do, w. M J. Hazlit calls.

5. M. Epicene, acts 1, 2, 3. Call on R Taylor & Rowan: H & P G call.

6. Tu. Epicene, act 4. Call on Dr Gray & H Ellis: Wolcot, Masters, Keir & E Fks dine; adv. Turner, Mulready, Dawes, & R & A Taylor.

7. W. Epicene, act 5: Scornful Lady, acts 1, 2, 3. G M C dines.

8. Th. Scornful Lady, acts 4 & 5. Condé, W Stuart & Hooley call: tea Nicholson’s: sup at Rowan’s, for M J . Call on R Taylor, Jo G, Lamb n, Nelson & Keir.

9. F. Alchemist, act 1. CaGravel calls: call on J G, & Nicholson & Dawen.

10. Sa. Waller, çala. Call on H Rowan, Dawe & Mulready: Dawe’s w. M J, Mulready & Turner-mask meet Philips & Foot. Call on Jones, copper-plate printer, w. Dawe.

Dep. e.207, fol.  46r
[fol. 46r]
Dep. e.208, fol.  1r
[fol. 1r]


Dep. e.208, fol.  1v
[fol. 1v]

Aug. 11. Su. England, revise. Alchemist, act 2. Northcote & 3 Rowans tea & sup. Wakes call.

12. M. England, 1/2 page. Milton, Eleg. 5: Chapman, çala. Call on Lahee, w. Dawe; & R Taylor: meet Wolcot, w. M J: Dawe & Turner call: mrs Mumford calls.

13. Tu. Call on J G & R Taylor: Mulready calls: Wakes & Dawe sup. call on mrs Mumford.

14. W. Chapman, B. XVI. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & Vicars; Irls.

15. Th. Chapman, B. XVII. Write to A G. Call on Goldston, w. Jo G.

16. F. Chapman, B. XVIII. Call on Philips; adv. Gillet (pro Fk): E Fk dines: Mulready sups. Note on Johnson’s Lives.

17. Sa. Chapman, B. XIX. Call on Jacobn, Lambn, Gravel & Nicholson.

Dep. e.208, fol.  2r
[fol. 2r]

Aug. 18. Su. Chapman, B. XX: Dryden, çala. Hazlit calls: J G at tea.

19. M. Chapman, B. XXI, XXII: Dryden, çala. Snagg & Mulready call.

20. Tu. Chapman, B. XXIII. Dawe calls: meet Wolcot: Keir expected.

21. W. Chapman, Iliad, B I/2. Call on Wilks, Dadley & Dawe: Mulready & Dawe sup.

22. Th.Chapman, B. I, fin. Write to A G. Call on Wilks & Dawe (cast by Tomlinson); adv. Mulready, M D, F & C.

23. F. Chapman, B. II/2: Killed with Kindness. Call on Wilks, &, for M J , on Lambs: meet Taylor: Hazlit calls.

24. Sa.Chapman, B. II, fin: Custom of ye Country{,} acts 1, 2. Call on Johnson & Jo G; adv. J G: S Fell, Dawe & Mulready call.

Dep. e.208, fol.  2v
[fol. 2v]

Aug. 25. Su.Chapman, B. III. Mulready, revise. Call on Keir: Langslow calls: Lambs at tea; adv. Dawe. Duke of Gloucester dies.

26. M. Chapman, B. IV: Custom of ye Country, fin. Dawe & Turner call: call on Carlisle, for M J; & adv. Bloxam & miss Standert.

27. Tu. England, 1/2 page. Chapman, B. V/2. Call on M Dawe & Lambn: Dadley calls n.

28. W. England, 1/2 page. Chapman, B. V, fin: Beggar’s Bush, act 1. Dadley calls.

29. Th. Chapman, B. VI: Beggar’s Bush, fin: Blde. Harry, çala.

30. F. Chapman, B. VII: Martial, Lib. II, Ep. 43 to 63. M & C Dawe dine; adv. Dawe & 4 Lauries. Call on Wilks & Lamb.

31. Sa. Chapman, B. VIII, IX. Hazlit & J G call.


Dep. e.208, fol.  3r
[fol. 3r]

Sep. 1. Su.Chapman, B. X. Write to Wroughton.

2. M. Chapman, B. XI: Drayton, Numphidia. Call on Wilks: Nicholson calls n. Boileau, Reflexions.

3. Tu. Chapman, B. XII. Call on Jo G, J G n& Wilks (copy): mail for Norwich: sup at Margaretting. Write to Jas Wt.[Not in London]

4. W. Breakfast at Ipswich: dine at J Taylor’s, Norwich; adv. Roberts: chaise to Dalling, A G, H G & family (5), & N G: sleep.[Not in London]

5. Th.Quarles, çala. Call on Sykes (Guestwick) Williams (Reepham)n & Woodhousen : Williams calls.[Not in London]

6. F.Woodhouse calls: horseback w. Hull to Horsford; dine: Norwich, Taylor’s; adv. R T: call on Alderson (w. Susan; adv. Opie) n, Rigbyn , W Taylor n & Pitchfordn: sup at T Barnard’s, w. Taylors, Greens, T Martineau & mrs D Scott.[Not in London]

7. Sa. Pitchford, W Taylor & Flindt call: Library & Guildhal: dine at W Taylor’s, w. Trafford, H Gurney, Sayres, Dalrymple & another: sup at Pitchford’s, w. Taylors & Dalrymple. Write to Norris[Not in London]

Dep. e.208, fol.  3v
[fol. 3v]

Sep. 8. Sa. eWrite to M J. Breakfast at Pitchford’s; adv. Rigby: H Gurneyna, miss Smith, mrs Green & miss T Barnard call: call on H Gurneyn: Mousehold: mrs Hase & Newsoms at tea; adv. P Martineau & Houghton.[Not in London]

9. M. Towers breakfasts; adv. Houghton: call on Sothren & W Taylor: chaise, Scole, Stonham & Stowmarket: sleep.[Not in London]

10. Tu.Write to M J. Walk, w. Norman, to Finborgh: tea, do,Taylor’s, w. Ely.[Not in London]

11. W. Write to J Taylor. Call on mrs Munnings, mrs Burch & mrs Grimsby; adv. miss Toms & mrs Horwood (R Wilson): mail-chariot: sup at Ipswich: coalcoach w. King, Waterhouse, & capitaine .[Not in London]

12. Th. Ilford: breakfast at Stratford: call on Jo G: Somers Town: miss C Smith calls: call on Lamb’s, w. M J; adv. Hazlit.[Not in London]

13. F. Call, w. M J, on Watkinson: dine, do, at Lamb’s: call on Dadley: Curran calls n: Lambs sup. meet Davis. G M C dines n.

14. Sa. J C Scaligeri Vita. Call on Curran; adv. McMahon: Keir calls n, & Dawe: meet Stevenson.

Dep. e.208, fol.  4r
[fol. 4r]

Sep. 15. Su.Preface to Mulready, pp. 2. Hazlit calls: call on Mulready: meet Northmore: Mulready & miss C Smith at tea.

16. M. Widow’s Tears, act 1. Curran breakfasts: call on Northcote, &, w. M J, on Robinson surgeon, & mrs Stephenson.

17. Tu. Chapman, B. XIII/2: Widow’s Tears, fin. Call on Wordsworth, &, w. M J, on Dawes. Beresfords call na.

18. W. Chapman, B. XIII, fin: Eastward Hoe, act 1, 2. Dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Barbaulds & major Moor: Mulready calls. Jas Wt dies.

19. Th. Write to Wroughton. Curran breakfasts: call on R Taylor: sup at Lamb’s, w. Hazlit & M J: meet Este: miss & W Smith at tea.

20. F. Write to L Wt. Call on M Lamb & Jo Gn: H Tooke, Curran, miss Smith, Northcote, Hoare, Boaden, Batty, & Burne dine: invités Inchbald, Smirke, Este, Planta & Ellis. Curran breakfasts.

21. Sa. Chapman, B. XIV. Camilla, 1 page. Call on J G & Dadley: Dawe at tea: theatre, Henry IV, acts 2, 3e.

Dep. e.208, fol.  4v
[fol. 4v]

Sep. 22. Su. Eastward Hoe, fin. Call on Nicholsonn: Tho. Stephenson at tea; adv. Turner.

23. M. Chapman, B. XV/2: Malcontent, act. 1. Call on Nicholson: Dawe calls, miss Jas Smith & another.

24. Tu.Advertisements, pp. 4. Dawe calls. Bonaparte leaves Paris for Germanye

25. W. Write to Hull G. Chapman, B. XV, fin. Call on R Taylorn, Jo Gn, &Nelsonn & Nicholson; adv. Raby: Mulready sups.

26. Th. Chapman, B. XVI/2. Call on R Taylor; &, w. M J & C C, on Raine & Middleton, Charter-house: Dadley calls.

27. F. Call on Jo G, Lamb, Nelson & Duncan: J G dines: Dawes & Mulready call.

28. Sa. Chapman, B. XVI, fin. Mulready & Hazlit call: meet Dawe.

Dep. e.208, fol.  5r
[fol. 5r]

Sep. 29. Su. England, 1/2 page. Perdue, p. 147. Flathers call: Dawes sup. Lamb calls.

Sep. 30. M. England, 1 page. Chapman, B. XVII/2. Lamb calls: call on Nicholson & Turnern: Turner & Mulready sup. Stuart calls.


Oct. 1. Tu. Chapman, B. XVII, fin: Perdue, p. 290; Vol. II, p. 111.

2. W. Chapman, B. XVIII/2. Perdue, p. 268. Call on McMillan n, Northcote, Mulready, &Heath, & Barnard, w. M J.

3. Th. Barnard calls: call on McMillan, M Lamb, R Taylor & Jo G: Curran & Dawes call n: Keir & mrs LeGrand call.

4. F. Call on Curran (adv. Jennings); &, w. him, on Reynoldsn, Dawe & Pope; adv. Hutchins & mrs Waring: Curran & Hutchins call n: theatre, 3/5 Provoked Husbande. meet Bosville & L Ht. Irish

5. Sa. Chapman, B. XVIII, fin: Perdue, Vol. III. Call on McMillan; meet O’Brien.

Dep. e.208, fol.  5v
[fol. 5v]

Oct. 6. Su. England, 1/2 page. Call on Wroughtonn: meet Davy: dine at Holland’s, w. Amherst, Erskine, Curran, Adair, Allen & three: J & Jo G call n: Dawes sup.

7. M. Call on Jo G, Johnson & Nelson: Keys junr calls: meet Dawe.

8. Tu. England, revise. Hazlit calls: call on Dawe; &, w. M J, on Carlislen.

9. W. Chapman, B. XIX. Write to P H G. Meet Reynolds &Adair: call on Currann, Burnen, Northcote & Carlislen: theatre, Constant Couplee: Tucker calls: Dawe sups. Mulready calls.

10. Th. Chapman, B. XX. Call on R Hunter (adv. Hewlet), J G, Nelson & Lancaster: meet Perry: call on Barnard. Letter from Wroughton.

11. F. Advertisemente. Chapman, B. XXI. Mulready calls: call, w. M J, on Carlisle.

12. Sa. Chapman, B. XXII: Wit without Money, act 1, 2, 3. Call on Nicholson.

Oct. 13. Su. Circular Letter. Lambs tea & supper.

14. M. Chapman, B. XXIII. Barnard calls: call on Currann (meet Ht).

Dep. e.208, fol.  6r
[fol. 6r]

15. Tu. Call on Wroughton & Mulreadyn: theatre, Chapter of Accidentse.

16. W. Nelson, Mulready & Cotton’s clerk call: call on Barnard & Jacob.

17. Th. Chapman, B. XXIV: John Woodvil. Barnard calls na. Write to P H G.

18. F. Call on Jo Gn: Mulready calls: theatre, Rugantinoe. meet Bushe: call on Wordsworth.

19. Sa. Peele’s, w. Hodgkins: Batty calls: dine at Perry’s, w. Rowcrofts, Flower, Jo & T & mrs Shee, Gillies’s & miss Bentley & Hall: sleep. meet R Jones & Dawes.

Dep. e.208, fol.  6v
[fol. 6v]

Oct 20. Su. Breakfast at Merton: chaise, w. Perrys: Rowans call. Surrender of Gen. Mack 67,000 mene.

21. M. Perry femme & miss Bentley call: meet Adams: call on Batty, & w. M J, on H Rowan: sup at Nicholson’s: Turner calls n. Battle of Trafalgar)ePublication, Fables .

22. Tu. Camilla, revise. Call on McMillan & Barnardn: tea Wroughton’s; read.

23. W. Call on Jacob: dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J: meet (Ht &) C Moore.

24. Th. Chaise to Merton, w. M J & 3 children: dine at Perry’s: sleep.

25. F. Dine at H Tooke’s, w. M J & 4 children: sleep at Merton.

26. Sa. Chapman, Odyssey, B. I: Purley, Vol. II; p. 144. Chaise from Merton.

Dep. e.208, fol.  7r
[fol. 7r]

Oct. 27. Su. Camilla, revise. Chapman, B. II/2. J G dines.

28. M.Camilla, revise. Chapman, B. II, fin. Call on H Rowan, Jo G, Wilks, Lamb & Barnard: Keir & Turner tea & sup.

29. Tu. Camilla, revise. Theatre, Prior Claim; adv. Morton, Hill, Adolphus (& Skeffington)e: call on mrs Eastwick, for M J ; adv. Morrises, mrs Dunbar, &c.Write to Curran. Nelson & Bd call.

30. W. Camilla, revise. Call on Lamb (adv. E Fks), Jo G: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Cooper & Eaton: Lambs, Manning & 3 Dawes sup.

31. Th. Camilla, revise. Call, w. M J, on Rickman. meet Wroughton: theatre, Venice Preserved, act 3e.


Nov. 1. F. Camilla, revise. Read to M J. Call on Lamb, Nelson & Lancastern.

2. Sa. Camilla, revise. Call on Lamb & Wilksn: theatre, 1/10 Pizarroe.

Dep. e.208, fol.  7v
[fol. 7v]

Nov. 3. Su. Camilla, revise. Dine at Rowan’s, w. Snows, Hoskinses, Truman, miss Wheler & M J: Mulready calls.

4. M. Chapman, B. III: Newspapers. Send Last Corrections of Camilla.

5. Tu. Call on Wordsworth, Lamb, &, for M J , on Joyce; adv. Jervis.

6. W. Barnard calls: call on Jo G: Dawe sups.

7. Th. Hearts, revise. Theatre, Venice Preserved; adv. Lawrencee.

8. F. Jane Gray, çala. Call on Jo G (adv. N G), Nicholson & Barnardn.

9. Sa. Meet Dadley: dine at Holland’s, w. Wynne, & Allen; adv. Elmsley: N G dines n: call on Duncan, Barnard & Mulreadyn.

Dep. e.208, fol.  8r
[fol. 8r]

Nov. 10. Su. Chapman, B. IV. Dawe & Mulready call: F Rowan dines: call on Turner. Wilks calls.

11. M. Chapman, B. V/2. Call on Wroughton & Duncan (bail): Barnard calls twice: meet Owen.

12. Tu. Chapman, B. V, fin: Ballard, çala. Barnard, Dawe, Mulready & Turner call: miss Yates & P G dine.

13. W. Grey, p. 4. Call on Jo G: Mulready sups. French enter Viennae.

14. Th. Grey, p. 8. Theatre, w. M J & T T; adv. mrs Beresford, Heath (& Blake); Delinquente.

15. F. Grey, p. 9. C Mulready & Wilks call: call on Taylorn & Lamb; adv. Manning & M Burney: T T sups.

16. Sa. Grey, p. 12. Call on Taylorn & Jo G: Keir & Dawes call.

Dep. e.208, fol.  8v
[fol. 8v]

Nov. 17. Su. Grey, p. 17/2. N G dines: M Dawe calls.

18. M. Grey, p. 17. Barnard calls: call on R Taylor: Lambs, Manning & Turner sup: adv. Dawe & Mulready.

19. Tu. Grey, p. 19. Mulready calls: theatre, Weathercock; adv. C Moore & (?) Skenee.

20. W. Grey, p. 23. Chapman, B. VI, VII, VIII, Nuper. Call on J G; adv. Jo G: N G calls: sup at mrs Rowan’s, w. M J.

21. Th. Grey, p. 27. Wakes call. Camilla, revise.

22. F. Grey, p. 30, fin. Camilla, revise. Call on Dulau.

23. Sa. Camilla, revise. Chapman, B. IX. Call on R Taylorn, Jo G n & Wordsworth: theatre, miss Mudie, adv. (Ht &) mrs Foulkese. Langslow calls n.

Dep. e.208, fol.  9r
[fol. 9r]

Nov. 24. Su. Camilla & Grey, revise. Call on Wroughton.

25. M. Grey, 1 page. Call on Jacobn & R Taylor.

26. Tu. Grey, revise. Call on Mulready: sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J: call, do, on Dulau: Dawe calls.

27. W. Arcadia, p. 11. Mulready & mrs Rowan call: call on Jacob, Jo G & J G: dine at Johnson’s, w. H Tooke, Dr & A Aikin, J Walker, Chalmers, Bonnycastle & R Taylor. Dawe calls n.

28. Th. Arcadia, p. 24. Mulready calls: call on Wordsworth, Jo G, Johnson (adv. Philips, G Robinson, Curteis & J Hollis) & Philips (adv. Stevens & Macmillan): Thurgar calls.

29. F. Grey, revise. Meet Reynolds & Batty: call on Baillie, Carlisle, H Rowan & Nicholson, for M J: Salt, Camden Towne.[Not in London]

30. Sa. Grey, revise. Call on Turnern: meet N G: Turner sups; adv. Dawe.


Dep. e.208, fol.  9v
[fol. 9v]

Dec. 1. Su. Grey, Preface; revise. Arcadia, p. 34. Langslow calls.

2. M. Chapman, B. X: Arcadia, p. 56. Lamb calls: call, w. M J, on Dulau: sup, do, at Carlisle’s; adv. Philips: Mulready calls. Battle of Austerlitze

3. Tu.Chapman, B. XI/2: Arcadia, p. 76. Mulready & Gros call.

4. W. Chapman, B. XI: Life of Burns, p. 96. Sup at Lamb’s, w. Manning, Kemble & M J.

5. Th. Chapman, B. XII/2: Arcadia, p. 88: Burns, p. 156. Dawes & Turner tea & sup: N G calls, & Nicholsons.

6. F. Chapman, B. XII: Arcadia, p. 95: Burns, p. 219. Call on Carlislen: theatre, 3/5 Stratagem, & Sleeping Beauty; adv. Hill & Fillinghame.

7. Sa. Chapman, B. XIII: Burns, çala. Call on Johnson (adv. Philips & Hewlet), R Taylor & Lamb.

Dep. e.208, fol.  10r
[fol. 10r]

Dec. 8. Su. Call on Wroughton, Waken, miss o, Flaxman n , Northcote & H Rowan:N G dines; adv. Dawe: Mulready & Jo G call: Langslown.

9. M. Chapman, B. XXIV/2: Burns, çala. Call on Langslown, Jo G, J G & Finch; & w. M J, on Turner.

10. Tu. Chapman, B. XXIV, fin: Arcadia, p. 115. Call on N G: Mulready & Dawe call n: theatre, w. M J, School for Friends; adv. Hill & Fillinghame.

11. W. Martial, Lib. II, Ep. 63-77: Arcadia, p. 135. N Gat tea.

12. Th. Martial, Ep. 93: Arcadia, p. 165. Call on Tho. Jervis. Write to Finch & P H G.

13. F. Martial, Lib. III, Ep. 10: Arcadia, p. 180. N G & Mulready call: call on J G, N G, Wordsworth & Lamb: sup at H Rowan’s, w. M J: meet Langslow.

14. Sa. Martial, Ep. 21: Arcadia, p. 202. Call on Wordsworthn & N G.

Dep. e.208, fol.  10v
[fol. 10v]

Dec. 15. Su. Arcadia, p. 219. Jo & N G, & W L White, & Mulready call. Write to W L White. meet Batty. John Godwin dies.

16. M.Pedlar, revise. Mulready &Tobin call: call on Wroughton: theatre, Douglas; adv. Hille. H Rowan calls n.

17. Tu. Call on Wilks, London Coffee-house (adv. Davis), T T & Jo G; adv. miss Clarke: meet Malthus, & mrs Wake.

18. W. (Reading, D L.)eCall on Jo G: Turner & Mulready sup.

19. Th. Burns, Preface. Call on Wordsworthn, T T & Wroughton, adv. Bettys, read: T T calls, & notary.

20. F.Camilla, revise. Call on Wilks, Wordsworth & T T: theatre, School for Friends & Sleeping Beauty, w. M J, Archd Rowan & 4e.

21. Sa.Write to Wilks. Call on T T: Lambs & Manning dine; adv. Mulready & T T.

Dep. e.208, fol.  11r
[fol. 11r]

Dec. 22. Su. Turner calls: meet H Rowan: funeral of John Godwin, w. Jo., wife & 3 children, H G, N G, Barker & Bailey, Aldersgate church: W Wroughton calls n: meet Jer. Taylor & Fillingham.

23. M. Martial, Ep. 31. Turner calls: call on Jo G (adv. Brazier), N G & Jones: theatre, Barbarossa; adv. Reynoldse. N G sups.

24. Tu. Martial, Ep. 44: Tale of a Tub. Meet Sh. Turner.

25. W. Martial, Ep. 57: Arcadia, p. 234.

26. Th. Martial, Ep. 64: Sad Shepherd: Arcadia, p. 253. Mulready calls.

27. F. Camilla, revise. Martial, Ep. 81. A Taylor, Mulready, T T & N G dine; adv. Dawes: invités R T, mrs Mulready & Jo G. Eutropius, w. C C, 25 days.

28. Sa. Call on R Taylorn & Peele’s: theatre, Gustavus Vasae.

Dep. e.208, fol.  11v
[fol. 11v]

Dec. 29. Su. Martial, Ep. 92. Call on Wroughton: N G at tea.

30. M. Write to Wn (on Macbeth) & Everina. Martial, Ep. 100. Call on R Taylor & Borrowes: meet N G: dine at H Rowan’s, w. Northcote, Fagan & M J.

31. Tu. Martial, Lib. IV, Ep. 6. Call on Wilks: Dawe at tea: theatre, 1/2 Hamlete.