William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Vaydes (24  July  1828) Unable to identify specific title.
WG's History of the Commonwealth (7:300-3) discusses the Marquis of Vaydes' return to Europe and the attack on English frigates. WG draws on the following materials:
Thurloe, Vol. V, [Collection of State Papers] (See annotation to WG's diary 1818-08-26)
Clarendon, [History of the Rebellion] ( 1804-04-06)
Ludlow, [Memoirs] ( 1804-07-06)
Warwick, Memoirs ( 1806-04-13)
Bates [akaBate], [Elenchus motuum] ( 1826-08-30)
Journals [of House of Commons] ( 1822-01-27)
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. The British Library holds editions of all the cited materials.

Mentions in the Diary