William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


W Dell (24  March  1828) Dell, WilliamThe tryal of spirits both in teachers and hearers. Wherein is held forth the clear discovery, and certain downfal of the carnal and antichristian clergie of these nations. Testified from the Word of God to the university-congregation in Cambridge. By William Dell. Whereunto is added a plain and necessary confutation of divers errors delivered by Mr Sydrach Simpson in a sermon preached to the same congregation the last commencement there, anno 1653. … And, that human learning is not a preparation appointed by Christ, either for the right understanding or right teaching the Gospel. With a brief testimony against divinity-degrees in the universities. As also, Luthers testimony at large upon the whole matter. And lastly, the right reformation of learning, schools, and universities, according to the state of the Gospel, and the light that shines therein. Al necessary for the instruction and direction of the faithful in these last times. 1653
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Trial of Spirits; Appendix, Being a Confutation of Errors delivered to the University Congregation, by Sidrach Simpson, Master of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, at the Commencement, 1653 (7:97).
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. The British Library currently holds this work.

Mentions in the Diary