William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Standard (11  December  1827) Medley, William (scribe)A standard set up. Whereunto the true seed and saints of the Most High may be gathered together into one, out of their several forms. For the Lambe against the Beast, the false prophet in this good and honourable cause. Or The principles and declaraton of the remmant, who have waited for the blessed appearance and hope. Shewing, how saints as saints, men as men, and the creation shall have their blessings herein, as in the deliverance of the true Church out of Babylon, and all confusion; as in the most righteous and free-common-wealth-state; as in the restitution of all things. Subscribed by W. Medley, scribe. 1657
(Thomason Tracts)
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Standard Set Up (8:373, 375).
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. The British Library currently holds this work.

Mentions in the Diary