William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


1st parlt (14  August  1827) Unable to identify specific title.
WG's History of the Commonwealth (7:106-29) discusses Cromwell's new parliament. WG cites the following materials:
Several Proceedings (see annotation to WG's diary for 1826-09-07)
Ludlow [Memoirs] ( 1804-07-06)
Thurloe [Collection of State Papers] ( 1818-08-26)
Perfect Diurnal ( 1826-09-07)
Perfect Politician ( 1826-09-07)
Clarendon [History of the Rebellion], Vol. III ( 1804-04-06)
Journal of Guibon Goddard, prefixed to Burton's Diary … ( 1827-07-06)
WG reads in the British Museum on this date. Editions of all of the cited materials are currently held by the British Library; Burton's diary would have been at the London Institution.

Mentions in the Diary