William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Nov. 8[th?] (6  July  1827) Goddard, Guibon Kept a diary during his membership in the first protectorate parliament of 1654, and also in 1659. The 1654 part was printed by J. T. Rutt as an introduction to Thomas Burton's Diary; the 1659 part was used by Rutt for supplementary notes. (See annotation to WG's diary 1824-06-16).
WG's History of the Commonwealth (7:131-53) discusses the Parliamentary debates, between 20 September to 8 November 1654, on Oliver Cromwell's plan of government. WG cites the following materials:
Journals [of House of Commons] (See annotation of WG's diary for 1822-01-07)
Thurloe [Collection of State Papers] ( 1818-08-26)
Faithful Scout ( 1826-09-07)
Goddard [Journal] (see 1824-06-16 and above)
Whitlocke [Memorials] ( 1804-07-12)

Mentions in the Diary