William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Milton (27  November  1826) Previously recorded on 1804-05-28:
Milton, JohnJoannis Miltoni Angli Pro populo Anglicano defensio secunda. Contra infamem libellum anonymum cui titules, Regii sanguines clamor ad coelum adversus parricidos Anglicanos. 1654
Previously recorded on 1806-02-08:
Milton, JohnNickolls, John (editor)Original letters and papers of state, attributed to Oliver Cromwell; concerning the affairs of Great Britain. From the year MDCXLIX to MDCLVIII. Found among the political collections of Mr. John Milton. Now first published from the originals. 1743
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Letters and Papers of State, Collected by Milton, p. 106, et seqq. (6:531).
Defensio Secunda (6:478).
WG reads in the British Museum on this date.

Mentions in the Diary