William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Chr. Love (25  August  1826) Cobbett, WilliamCobbett's complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors. (9 volumes) 1809-1811
(also known as Howell's State trials.)
Walter, ClementT.M.The history of the Independency. The fourth and last part. Continued to the death of His late Majesty, King Charles the First of happy memory, till the deaths of the chief of that juncto. By T.M. Esquire, a lover of his king and country. 1660
WG's History of the Commonwealth discusses the trial of Christopher Love and cites, in addition to the titles above:
Journals of the House of Commons (see WG's diary for 1822-01-27) Whitlocke, Memorials of English Affairs ( 1804-07-12) WG reads in the British Museum on 1826-08-25.

Mentions in the Diary