William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Stubbe (25  April  1826) Stubbe, HenryMalice rebuked; or, A character of Mr. Richard Baxters abilities. And a vindication oe [sic] the Honourable Sr. Henry Vane from his aspersions in his Key for Catholicks, as it was sent in a letter to Mr. D.R. and is now printed for the publike satisfaction. 1659
Stubbe, HenryAn essay in defence of the good old cause; or, A discourse concerning the rise and extent of the power of the civil magistrate in reference to spiritual affairs. With a preface concerning the name of the good old cause; an equal Commonwealth; a co-ordinate Synod; the Holy Commonwealth published lately by Mr. Richard Baxter; and A vindication of the Honourable Sir Henry Vane from the false aspersions of Mr. Baxter. 1659
WG's History of the Commonwealth cites:
Stubbe, Malice Rebuked, p. 59 (5:31).
[Stubbe] Defence of the Good Old Cause. Preface (5:117).
WG reads at the British Museum on 1826-04-25.

Mentions in the Diary