William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Rd Baxter (24  April  1826) Probably:
Baxter, RichardA holy commonwealth, or Political aphorisms. Opening the true principles of government for the healing of the mistaken, and resolving the doubts, that most endanger and trouble England at this time (if yet there may be hope.) And directing the desires of sober Christians that long to see the kingdoms of this world, become the kingdoms of the Lord, and of his Christ. Written by Richard Baxter at the invitation of James Harrington Esquire. With a preface to them that have caused our eclipses since 1646. And a sounder answer to The healing question. And the Jesuits method for restoring popery. 1646
Previously recorded in WG's diary for 1808-07-27:
Baxter, RichardReliquiae Baxterianae: or, Mr. Richard Baxter's narrative of the most memorable passages of his life and times. Faithfully published from his own original manuscript by Matthew Sylvester. (1 volume in three parts) 1696
Variant title: Life of the reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. The third part.
WG's Commonwealth lists:
Richard Baxter. Life of Baxter by Himself (1: 52).
WG reads at the British Museum on this date.

Mentions in the Diary