William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Hazlit, çala (28  August  1821) Hazlitt, William Unable to determine specific title.
WG records his reading of many previous works by Hazlitt. See WG's diary for 1807-06-30, 1816-08-21, 1817-05-29, 1819-03-12, 1819-08-22.
Hazlitt's most recent publications include:
Hazlitt, WilliamTable-talk; or, Original essays. 1821-22
Hazlitt, WilliamLectures chiefly on the dramatic literature in the age of Elizabeth. Delivered at the Surrey Institution. 1820
Hazlitt, WilliamHunt, John (publisher) various contributions to The Liberal. 1822-23

Mentions in the Diary