William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Fox, Martyrs, çalls (18  July  1816) Fox, JohnEcclesiasticall history, contayning the actes and monumentes of thynges passed in every kynges tyme in this realme, especially in the church of England. … Newly … inlarged by the author. (2 volumes) 1570
In Latin:
Fox, JohnCommentarii rerum in ecclesia gestarum, maximarumque, per totam europam, persecutionum, a Vuiclevi temporibus ad hanc usque aetate descriptio: Liber primus … Hiis in calce accesserunt aphorismi J. Vuiclevi, cum collectaeis quibusdam, R. Pecoki episcopi Cicestrensis, etc. 1554
(Book of Martyrs)

Mentions in the Diary