William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Du Bartas, Abraham (28  July  1813) Possibly:
Du Bartas, Guillaume de SallusteSylvester, Joshua (translator)Bartas his deuine weekes and workes. Translated and dedicated to the King's most excellent maiestie. By Ioshuah Syluester. The first weeke: contayning seavuen dayes – The second weeke contayning: Eden, which beginneth, The deceipt, The furies, The handycrafts, The arke, Babilon, The colonies, The columnes. 1605/1606
OR a later edition:
Du Bartas, Guillaume de SallusteSylvester, Joshua (translator)Du Bartas his diuine weekes, and workes. With a compleate collectio[n] of all the other most delight-full works translated and written by yt famous philomusus, Ioshuah Sylvester Gent. 1621
WG's sale catalog lists:
Bartas' Divine Weeks and Works, with the Quadrains of Pibrac, transl. by Joshua
Sylvester 1605 (item 338).

Mentions in the Diary