William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Baker, çala (9  May  1811) Baker, David Erskine
The companion to the play-house: or, An historical account of all the dramatic writers (and their works) that have appeared in Great Britain and Ireland, from the commencement of our theatrical exhibitions, down to the present year 1764. Composed in the form of a dictionary, for the more readily turning to any particular author, or performance …
The second edition ( 1782) and third edition ( 1812) were issued under the title Biographia dramatica.
Baker, Sir Richard
A chronicle of the kings of England from the time of the Romans governement, unto the reigne of our soveraigne Lord King Charles. Containing all passages of state and church, casualties, lawes, and ordinances, workes of piety done by them and others, with the personage and conditions, wives and issue, death and buriall, and men of note, living in every Kings reigne. With all other remarkeable observations proper for a chronicle; faithfully collected out of authours ancient and moderne; and digested into a new method, by Sir Richard Baker, Knight.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Baker's Biographia Dramatica, continued by Isaac Reed, manuscript notes, 2 vol. 1782 (item 29).
Baker's Biographia Dramatica, continued by Reed and Stephen Jones, 4 vol. 1812 (item 30).
Baker's (Sir Rich.) Chronicle of the Kings of England 1660 (item 407).
Another edition, portraits 1696 (item 408).

Mentions in the Diary