William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Warton, &c, çala (23  June  1805) Probably one of the following:
Warton, ThomasThe history of English poetry from the close of the eleventh to the commencement of the eighteenth century. To which are prefixed, two dissertations: 1, On the origin of romantic fiction in Europe; 2, On the introduction of learning into England. By Thomas Warton. (3 volumes) 1774-1781
The third volume is prefixed with Gesta Romanorum; a fourth volume published in 1806 contains an index by Thos. Fillingham. OR
Warton, ThomasEssays on gothic architecture: twelve plates of ornaments, &c. selected from ancient buildings; calculated to exhibit the various styles of different periods. 1686
Conjecture based on WG's writing a history of England at this time.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Warton, Bentham, Grose and Milner's Essays on Gothic Architecture, plates 1802 (item 740).
Warton (T.) History of English Poetry, with the fragment of the fourth vol. and Fillingham's Index, 5 vol. 1775-1806 (item 830).

Mentions in the Diary