William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Speght (3  January  1803) Speght, Thomas (editor)Chaucer, GeoffreyLydgate, John (Siege of Thebes)The workes of our ancient and learned English poet, Geffrey Chaucer, newly printed. In this impression you shall find these additions: 1. His portraiture and progenie shewed. 2. His life collected. 3. Arguments to euery booke gathered. 4. Old and obscure words explaned. 5. Authors by him cited, declared. 6. Difficulties opened. 7. Two bookes of his, neuer before printed. 1598
Speght, Thomas (editor, author of the Life of Chaucer)Chaucer, GeoffreyLydgate, John (Siege of Thebes)The works of our ancient, learned, [and] excellent English poet, Jeffrey Chaucer: as they have lately been compar'd with the best manuscripts; and several things added, never before in print. To which is adjoyn'd, the story of the siege of Thebes, by John Lidgate, monk of Bury, together with the life of Chaucer, shewing his countrey, parentage, education, marriage, children, revenues, society, reward, friends, books, death. Also a table, wherein the old and obscure words in Chaucer are explained, and such words (which are many) that either are, by nature or derivation, Arabick, Greek, Latine, Italian, French, Dutch or Saxon, mark'd with particular notes for the better understanding their original. 1687
WG's biography of Chaucer cites:
Speght, Edition of Chaucer, 1597 (1:3).
Speght, Life of Chaucer; his friends (2:339).
Speght: Additions to the Life of Chaucer: his books (2:402).
WG's sale catalog lists:
Chaucer's Works, with Life by Speght, portrait 1687 (item 430).

Mentions in the Diary