William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


La Roche, pp. 14 (22  February  1800) Mackenzie, HenryThe story of La Roche. From the Mirror. 1793
Conjecture based on page numbers: WG reads 14 pages; Mackenzie's story is 17 pages in length.
OR a possible, though less timely, alternative with a similarly rough page match:
de la RocheA letter from Quebeck to M. L'Maine, a French officer which contains a particular account of the present designs of the French upon the English in North-America: what force the French have collected, their several divisions, and the places destined for each: likewise an account of the defenceless condition of the English provinces and colonies, and the methods made use of by the French, to procure such intelligence. 1734 Newport 13 p.; the Edinburgh reprint of 1755 runs 17 p.

Mentions in the Diary