William Godwin's Diary

Texts Godwin Read


Paine's Agrarian, pp. 38 (14  March  1797) Paine, ThomasAgrarian justice opposed to agrarian law and to agrarian monopoly, being a plan for meliorating the condition of man, by creating in every nation a national fund, to pay to every person, when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, to enable him or her to begin the world; and also, ten pounds sterling per annum during life to every person now living of the age of fifty years, and to all others when they shall arrive at the age, to enable them to live in old age without wretchedness, and go decently out of the world. 1797 Philadelphia; reprinted in London.
‘First published in Paris, 1797, under title: Thomas Payne à la législature et au directoire. Ou, la justice agraire opposé à la loi agraire et aux priviléges agraires.' WG's sale catalog lists:
Paine's (Tho.) Political Works, Rights of Man, &c; 2 vol. no date.

Mentions in the Diary